Records vs. CDs - When did conversion take place?

Hello everyone! I am just now getting into building a music collection, and have for the past couple years tried to get some albums autographed by the bands that I would go and see at our Summer Concert Series in Woodstock, GA. So far, I have gotten autographs by Steve Boone and Joe Butler of The Lovin' Spoonful and Doug Gray of The Marshall Tucker Band, who each both put on one heck of a show. But what I run into when trying to find albums for some of the bands that I plan on going to see is that I can never find an album, but can find CDs. I was a child of the 1980s, and remember playing records, cassette tapes, and when CDs were first coming out. Problem is, I can't exactly remember the time frames when all the conversion started taking place. Would someone respond to this blog and shed some light on this? I don't want to be looking for something that I think is on an album when it actually came out on a CD. Thanks guys and gals.

Views: 764

Comment by JOEY DALUCA on April 19, 2014 at 1:12pm

well hey there ole jeffy boy your in luck ole joey boy here remember the days of vinyl like it was yesterday yesiree bob ole joey boy would throw his ole sammy davis records on the turntable and the whole house would be serenaded.  yesiree my father never did like ole sammy davis though on a count of that he was a racist.  my friend ole dicky highland and i once got in a fight over who was the king sammy davis or frankie sinatra.  yours truly one and ever since them ole sammy boy has been the king of swing.

Comment by Robert Babb on April 19, 2014 at 1:22pm

hey jeffrey! i have a few signed albums signed in person from peter noone, rob grill, gary puckett, and others as well as a few signed cds. if you do some research on record stores in your area you will be surprised what you can find! Just like today i found a solo album of john sebastion! it was probably the early 80s when vinyl started fading!

Comment by Jeffery Kite on April 19, 2014 at 2:35pm

Thanks for info, Bob. I have several connections here in the ATL that help me find albums when I am looking for one. The Jets, that 1980's kids heart-throb band, is coming to Woodstock this summer, and one of my connections helped me score their debute album just yesterday. So stoked about that one! I did some poking around, and have concluded that probably anything before 1994 will be on vinyl, and anything after would be on CD. Does anyone else think differently?

Comment by JOEY DALUCA on April 19, 2014 at 2:45pm

hey there ole jeffy boy you forgot to thank me.  i fought in nam so your commie ass can even get records signed and you dont thank me for my insight.

Comment by al martin on April 19, 2014 at 4:14pm

Read Rolling Stones from 1986 and they were talking about CDs then

Comment by JOEY DALUCA on April 19, 2014 at 5:00pm

ole joey boy doesnt much appreciate you commies being so rude.  i fought in nam and no one even thanked me for my contribution to this discussion.  in my day if someone did you a favor you said thank you but not anymore i guess damn commies taking over america

Comment by Rick Meyer on April 19, 2014 at 5:02pm
Shut up Joey
Comment by JOEY DALUCA on April 19, 2014 at 5:43pm

ole ricky boy i dont much appreciate being told to shut up.  in my day if i told an adult to shut up my pop wouldve smacked my rear end so hard i wouldnt be able to walk for a week.  nowadays you do that your thrown in jail just for teaching your kids how to act right.  

Comment by Rick Meyer on April 19, 2014 at 6:08pm
I am an adult. I respect those who deserve respect.

Your still alive, today is just as much your day as was 30 years ago. The Cold War is over. Climb out of your foxhole and Join the rest of us.
Comment by Steve Zarelli on April 19, 2014 at 6:29pm
The first big splash CD release was around 1986 when Sgt Pepper was released on cd. At that point, a scant handful of albums were available on cd. Most classic rock greatest hits.

I was working at a radio station 1987 - 1990. When I started in 87, we still got vinyl of new releases and occasionally a cd. By the time I left in 1990, most new releases were coming on cd.


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