The Dolphins and Donald -- More Crime in the Autograph Hobby

It seems like only yesterday I did a story about the shooting of a singer on The Voice at a meet-and-greet, autograph signing after the show. Now, a few other crimes to report.

In Boynton Beach, Florida, police raided a burglar’s house. One of the things they found in it was a Miami Dolphins helmet signed by seven players on the undefeated 1972 team. The signatures include Larry Csonka, Don Shula, Jim Langer, Larry Little, Mercury Morris, Garo Yepremian, and Jim Kiick. A few nice Hall of Famers there.

Police say that if you want to claim the helmet, you have to prove you owned it or have some or letter of authenticity. Good luck.

Now, in a much more serious crime...everyone heard about the “assassination attempt” on Donald Trump at a Las Vegas rally. Michael Steven Sandford is a British dude that drove from all the way from California to try and kill him.

One man, Gregg Donovan, was standing near Sandford and got a strange vibe. There was a point where Donovan came out wearing a black top hat, red tailcoat, and plastered with Trump memorabilia. Sanford didn’t seem happy about that, which again, made Donovan suspicious.

Sandford told a Las Vegas Police officer he wanted Trumps autograph, but instead of grabbing a pen like we all do, he went for the cops gun!

He said he was planning to kill him for a year, and if he gets out, he’ll try again. Nothing like comments like that for a low bail.

Again, it made me think of the John Lennon assassination. That guy got his autograph and then shot him. It makes me wonder if more and more people will just avoid doing selfies or taking photos, especially when large crowd are involved.

Views: 193

Tags: Donald Trump, John Lennon, Miami Dolphins, Miami Dolphins autographed helmet, Trump assassination attempt

Comment by Josh Board on June 30, 2016 at 3:45pm

UPDATE: John Sparrell's girlfriend Nancy, spotted this on the news and called him. You see, he and his children and their cousins, bought this helmet for his dad, a hardcore fan. It was stolen out of his place a few months before he died of a heart attack in 2013, at 77. The Sparrell family contacted the police, and...they showed up with a special surprise. Not just the helmet, but Dolphin player Larry Little, who had signed the helmet, was there for the reunion.


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