If you could only keep ONE of your autographed possessions

Somewhat new to these forums and I have been back reading years of talk & conversations in here and I am hooked. So I'm posting the picture of my favorite autograph and asking fellow members here.... (and sorry if this discussion has been talked about) haha

If you could only keep one autographed item you own, what would it be? I've (deeply) regretted parting with some, some of them I can part ways without any issue. But what's the one you'd never let go?

I got my Mickey Mantle ball from my Dad in 1987~
My dad had a friend, that was a dear friend of Mickey's & one day he came home with a full box of signed balls. I'm not sure exactly who they were all signed to, but it was a full box. I guess 12? My two brothers also got one, and I do recall two neighborhood friends getting one each also. That was my first introduction to Mickey Mantle's signature....

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This is the only autograph in my collection I would Keep forever, it's a till receipt for the Coal Hole pub signed by the great hellraiser Richard Harris, it was obtained by me and my future wife during one of our many nights out in London back in the day, it was a pub we often ended up at due to its close proximity to the train station we needed for the last train home, it was also Mr Harris's watering hole as it was next door to the Savoy where he had a room. We saw him there a number of times and one night got up the courage to speak with him and buy him a couple of drinks (this till receipt being for one of those drinks). Many great memories are brought together in this one piece for me.
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That's cool! "Please keep this receipt" as it states & you've done just that!

There are several in the "never sell" category.  But this is certainly one of them.

That's an excellent display & I LOVE how it was inscribed in bubble text! Too very cool Chris - Music autographs are BY FAR my favorite thing to find!

Thank you Corey.  Much appreciated.

Corey, great story. The items I would never part with have one thing in common. A story. They aren't the most valuable or the rarest. But the autographs I have that are the most valuable are also replaceable. You can't replace an item attached to a memory or a story.

My first employee, Dennis, gave this to me for my birthday in 1993. His ex wife worked in the same building where Payton had an affice and she sent it from Illinois. Dennis died in a accident a few years later.

Payton's autographs aren't rare. But this one can't be replaced.
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Ahh! My brother was a big fan of Walter & those Bears in the 80's! (But who wasn't?!?!) just hard to stray away from my Cowboys! That's a true treasure & he was a genuine soul... Wonderful Photo & I appreciate the share!

Yes, the memories add an important "value" that isn't monetary & that's what keeps us all chugging!

Great story.  I grew up in Illinois, graduated in 1985 and have been a huge Payton fan my whole life.  A real role model.  Work ethic and kindness.  Ditka has said that the single greatest mistake in his coaching career was not getting Walter the ball to score a touchdown in the '85 Super Bowl. 

I also have way to many I wouldn't want to part with.but in desirability and quality of the sigs,I would probably say this signed 63 program.
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Hey Paul! Thanks for replying with such an Awesome Piece!!! I have to say, that is top notch... love the signatures & the photos of the four. Beatles are on my "lookout list!", patiently waiting to find that right set! Something like yours would be IDEAL
Thanks Corey,I love the story and your Mantle Ball.thats a keeper!!

That's amazing Paul, and a few years from now might be worth enough to put a kid through college :).


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