Hi everyone, I'm new here and wanted a bit of advice. I recently bought two sketch's supposedly by Charles Schulz, sent them to be verified  by Jason Cullen from rareandsigned.com who verified them as genuine, I was thrilled with  the news so I happyly coughed up 120£ to the man for the two COA's. Are Jason's services reliable and are they recognised? Thanks 

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here's a screenshot of the details  

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Now the second seller..."Basquiat" and "Warhol"...right. Lemme guess...Modig...yup. UGH! 

I urge you to simply get the refund offered by both seller ASAP. Apart from the signatures, the "works" are ridiculous. I have seen better synthetic Schiele on my own easel.

Good ole Simon Parr purchases tons of this crap and then sells as real legit works of art (for a mark up of course but still "peanuts" (pun intended) compared to what a real legit authentic piece of art would go for).  Its sickening.

with "works in the style of" in the description, wouldn't be possible to go ahead with a return right? *sigh* i'm thinking i might have to chalk this down as a very expensive learning experience... the ebay purchases I'm ok with, I bought them with the knowledge that it could be a fake, what really upsets me is that I paid 120 pounds to rareandsigned.com for a crap COA that's not worth the paper it's printed on.    

"...the work is presented, according to the regulations in force, as a copy of the author."

I'm sorry - but what other outcome is expected with this verbiage (my emphasis added) in the auction?

But I don't see why you cant simply return them. I don't any stipulations? Return because they...don't match your sofa or your dog hates them. I don't think it matters. 

If I did issue certificates, I certainly would not issue them based on a scan. That says a lot there. A meaningful certificate, to me, would only be issued after physically handing the item in question. Anything else is essentially a "quick opinion".

How did you pay for the 2 auctions? Paypal? That would be good.

Did it not seem a bit odd that you paid more for the authentication, the "certificate" as the authentication was "free", than to buy the items? 

Hopefully you will simply be refunded and "all" you are out is the $ spent on the opinions. 

Have you looked at the going rate at auction (more established auctions) for authentic sketches by Schulz? That will help to orient you I suspect.

You can also read a bit more about the authenticator by using the search engine here.


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