Coach's Corner ( is one of the largest monthly auctions of sports autographs, trading cards and memorabilia. They sell non-sports items as well.
Let's talk about it!
Have you seen this report on Coach's Corner? I posted it again recently but I don't know if it was in this discussion:
OH MY GOD, Steve. This is powerful! Scott Malack is Coach's Corner. Lee is his faithful General Manager who shields Scott from all of this (I'm thinking.) Here's my guess on what's going to happen; When enough pressure is put on them (this article is really powerful stuff,) one is going to turn on the other. When the pressure starts, it has to be constant. I believe Scott and Lee are used to complaints from people, that's not going to bother them. The kind of pressure I am talking about is pressure from all different sides. I want these guys to understand we are not going to let up, this is the Alamo. We will see just how loyal Lee is to his Boss then. Thanks Steve C!
I forgot. Steve talked about COA's in this powerful article. Capital City "guarantees" many of the pieces. We all know who Capital City is. Something else Scott and Lee believe is that they are the smartest guys in the room, they're not. Ted Taylor is going to also get squeezed. He knows a lot. He just needs to talk about it!
In the article Lee Trythall says "I don't believe any authenticators." Yet, in auction item descriptions he speaks highly of Chris Morales. In a George Washington, Thomas Jefferson certified cut document piece, he goes as far as saying "This piece is fully authenticated by court qualified forensics examiner, Chris Morales." I recall reading an article where a Judge destroyed any credibility Morales had. When the Judge was finished with him, Morales was as qualified at authenticating a signature as I am. I have to go through my email. I have Ted Taylor saying that two pieces I had were fake. He didn't know it, but those pieces are from Coach's Corner.
Hi Fellas. I am leaving for the day. I am expecting to hear from the Souderton Police. I will update everyone early this evening.
Evening fellas. I heard nothing today from Det. Joseph Rudner. I will give him one more day to contact me. I was thinking today that this is really a great time for this to happen. First of all the fake autographs is a flashpoint issue. Second, I believe State's are running primary elections. Coach's Corner has mailed these fraud jerseys to many states, they're eligible for prosecution in all of them. Someone who is really wanting to prosecute a case like this is out there, him/her will be found, I know it. Souderton is small. The news (trouble shooters more specific) will love the opportunity to blow the top off a case like this.
You’re right. From the sounds of things you and Chris Morales are about the same when it comes to authenticating. He hacks off on forgeries and you bought a ton of them.
Hard to argue with you on that, Rick.
This Cincinnati charity video is strong. Still didn’t get any closer to shutting down Coach’s Corner. They have had hundreds of folks go after them. So far none have been successful. Local law enforcement and city courts are just not interested in these cases cause they don’t understand them. They get baffled by the authenticators, document examiners and everybody pointing fingers and just confusing them even more. There are enough examples of all the “supposed” to TPA’s making bad decisions and mistakes that any decent lawyer can bring up enough that their opinions are excluded. Steve Grad and his work with large volume dealers such as Presspass should be enough to scare anyone away from his expertise or lack therof.
Wish you the best on this but think you are just blowing hot air and spinning your wheels. So far you haven’t done anything new. I’ve been in your shoes(except for the buying a ton of forgeries) going after a large forgery dealer before. It is very time consuming, frustrating and not something that is quick to satisfy. Could take years if ever at all.
It is very strong, Rick. One important piece to many more. Blowing hot air, spinning wheels, I think that's what many experienced when they said screw it. I'm not going to say that so I disagree with you here. Assemble enough pieces to where you have to be taken serious, that's what I want to do. I can understand people quitting their pursuit of Coach's Corner because people want to see results now, after all, we are all about instant gratification. This will take time. It's all about the end result. There is always an outcome.
Don’t mean to sound harsh but I’ve been around a long time and seen many burned by Coaches Corner as have most long tenured members here. Many of those burned come in here the same way you are and go on about what they are going to do about it. My prediction is nothing will happen about it and you will still be out all your money. I wish it were different but fraud in his industry is very slow if ever reacted to. You probably get further if you went over there and knocked on their door. Maybe have a little talk. That’s what I’d do.
The law enforcement and city officials where they operate know all about them. They have no interest in it obviously. They just don’t understand the whole this authenticator said this and that authenticator said that. None of them are perfect and all have made bonehead mistakes. You’d probably need to get to the federal level to get anywhere and Coach’s Corner not doing near the business as many others. Ebay alone probably has 100 higher volume forgery sellers.
Coaches Corner knows how to survive this. The years they have been in business show this. They have horrible online reviews, they have an F from the BBB and still selling. Personally I find this amazing. Did you see their building? I’d guess their overhead is low. A place you could lock up easily and disappear. Conveniently placed in the low cost of living area of rural Pennsylvania.
Truth be told they survive by reeling in a Paul Wedding or two per month. Their business reputation is among the worst in the business but they continue to pull in and rip off the bargain seeker. Amazes me.
They (Coach's Corner), probably have a lawyer on retainer to keep them out of hot water and to deflect culpability.
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