We now have a Musician-Direct Autograph Sales Forum where you can post individual discussions of new offerings. It's a big change—and a big improvement. We closed this discussion after 8 years but it will always be available to read. 

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Steve Cyrkin


Though I recall a member posting a blog asking about this a while ago, I could not relocate it for my purpose in this discussion.

It can be nice when one stumbles upon a musician's shop (via their website), to see that they are selling their autographs. I figured this could grow as a wee database for listing those musicians who partake in this.

I recently recieved a couple press photos signed in ballpoint from John Mayall's website (http://www.johnmayall.com/merch.html). I am also aware that you can purchase signed CDs from Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits(http://peternoone.com/store/). John 5 ( formerly Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie guitarist) sells various items signed, with an option to dedicate.


So, does anyone else know of this being done by other musicians?

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I did the same. I googled the USD conversion and was like aww man, but like you said she is red hot right now, so I bit the bullet. Too bad it was limited to one, having 2 sent together would have made it sting a little less if it didn't affect the shipping cost too much. 

Vinyl albums are relatively heavy... But I guess we get spoiled with most signed stuff in the US, so now we can relate to collectors outside the US, lol. I just hope they make the shipment alive, I've had some get destroyed just shipping inside the US.

I bought the deluxe box set, too, so I'll see if I get one of the signed poster ones soon.

Good luck, hopefully you get one. I considered it, but figured with my normal luck I probably didn't have much of a chance, so I was glad to see these today. I was trying to find some last night and didn't come up with anything except the deluxe box set. Its probably not a bad buy though considering all the stuff that comes with it, probably wouldn't be out much if you didnt get a signed one and resold it. 

ughhh!! missed the banquet bundle...anyone bought two??

I'm still not even sure if Banquet bothered to ship my Sigrid CDs, so I'm curious if any US folks got the Billie signed CD.

I've ordered from them once and got it, the CD case was smashed but luckily the signed cover wasn't damaged. 

The sent me the Signed Wolf Alice vinyl and signed Mggie Rogers CDs, but they seemed to change their policy for the Sigrid signed CDS. Never got a shipping confirmation.

Thanks for the heads up! Bummed I missed the signed CD's but got the signed card. So expensive but considering how big she is now, it's worth it. Thanks again!

Looks like they have sold out already as the page has disappeared when i had one in my basket...... 

Anybody else order the Ringo Starr book from Genesis back in June of last year?  I did. They said that it was shipped over a month ago and it still hasn't been delivered. Genesis told me a week ago they'd check on it and nothing so far....arrrggg

Out of curiousity what's the longest anybody has waited for a pre order to arrive? 

I ordered a signed Killing Joke LP from Pledge Music in January 2017 and still waiting over 2 years later.... although as it looks like  Pledge are  about to go under...  or have....   i don't think i will ever see it...... 

Still waiting on Ariana Grande from Aug 2018. 



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