Hi all this is my first post here as someone told me this is a great site to use, I really need some big help for a signature my father brought me when I was away for a gift, he used the site  http://www.antiquitieslv.com/      

and let me say that he paid a lot of money for it, I would like to know what everyone thinks as I called the credit card company for a refund but they said i cant get one, I was going to call the company and ask for money back but this is what it says on there website (down below) as i hope my dad did not get robbed. Please can some one help us. thanks        

Photos are down below

Shipping & Returns

  • All Sales Final
  • 90 Day Warranty On Mechanical Antiques
All items are guaranteed authentic. 
Antiquities will refund the full purchase price of this piece to the original purchaser should this autograph be proven not to be authentic and the piece is returned in as sold condition within ten years of the date of sale.  A claim for a refund must be supported by a written opinion from a professional forensic handwriting expert.  Refund of the purchase price is the sole obligation of Antiquities of Nevada, Inc.
under the terms of this guarantee.

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Charge back protection through your credit card company. You've been sold a fake, call and then write your CC company with a clear, concise letter laying out the merchant, sale, what you were told ECT. CC companies specifically protect their cardholders from these types of scams. Do it.

If the OP bought this in March, then a chargeback isn't possible (for any credit card company I know of). If the seller won't honor the authenticity, accept a return and refund his money, than criminal recourse is his only option.

He should let the seller know that he is now aware that it is a blatant forgery and that if necessary, pursuant to seeking remedy, not only will be filing civil damages for remedy + legal fees, but also file criminal complaints with:

The buyer and seller's State Attorney General; local District attorney's office, State and local PD detective divisions,

Numerous consumer fraud bureaus can also be filed with online, easy to find via search.

I don't think he has been back. I tried to motivate him but...


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