Any thoughts on these signed CD's off eBay?

Tags: 03855, 84205494, A71878, A71907, A71908, A78561, AE01730, AE01731, AE01732, AE01733, More…AE01829, AG03423, AH02231, AH02232, AH02234, BB19004, BB41712, BB84316, Iconic, Mccartney, Philfatt0, Ringo, XX19938, XX19939, a-cheerful-fellow, advancedbuyersmarkets, allthingsthatrock, anappy86, autographbay, autographs_for_sale, bajag, beatles, beatletone, charlifusar_0, derfknew, handsignedautographs, kellya44, livehorn, markutpremiersignaturesfl, nrs861, presspasscollectibles, richan_9623, seltaeb1966, signatureinvestments, templeofgreatness, thebeatlesforever

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Perhaps file suit against eBay for unfair trade practices or similar. If they know it will cost them, they may back down. Find a civil litigator in northern California and run it by them.

Or, on the cheaper side, have the attorney write a demand letter and threaten suit. The attorney will mention that he can line people up who will testify as the knowledge Frank has and the respect they give him. 

I'd be curious to see what eBay put  in writing to justify their removal of listings. 

They left you with a few items with Caiazzo LOAs and said they’d be back later to remove the rest?

I may have figured this out: Beatleworld is in the UK. There's a Beatles specialist in Europe that can tell eBay something is fake and they'll take it down. To say he doesn't like Frank and Tracks is like saying Nancy Pilosi doesn't like Trump. 



So that’s with those hats say!

Here's another Cavern Club litho...

Ha ha seller mentions only 20 were signed !!! We must have already seen all 20!!!

I agree, and it’s seller advancedbuyersmarkets again. The last one sold for $725.

It’s down to $799.99 OBO. A real one would sell very quickly at that asking price.

It appears that NGU Memorabilia is attempting to drop ship this one, which unfortunately is still available on eBay for $3,199.99 OBO.

I found a couple more on eBay a few days ago. Someone in Indiana, I think, had them. I was going to post the links but I figured it's old news. 

Perry and Frank issued a few letters for this variation, and I believe have cut it off at that, which is commendable. But PSA appears to keep on going and going and going. It's like they fired a gun toward their feet, but it's the slowest-moving bullet ever. (They shot themselves in the foot but don't know it yet.)

I agree that certing a batch of them at this point is a bit much. They’re definitely “McCartney challenged.”


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