Been offered this piece but not too certain on Bowie autographs. Thanks in advance.

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This is from the Genesis book Station to Station. Here is another example currently being sold by Tracks.

Thanks for that Adam. They must of cut it out the book. 

The autograph looks good but, if they have indeed cut it out of the book, that's sacrilege! It would certainly put a lot of people off and dent its marketability. 

Exactly, and I am one of them. To me irrevocably damaged. I thought these were slips but it appears it was indeed part of the book. :( Probably to fit in some stupid slab! :(

Would anyone know if he signed more bookplates than books being published?

Seen this also which isn’t attached to the book 

The original picture you shared appears to have been adhered to the book. 

That’s correct it looks that way. 

Careful of a copy - these had an odd flat finish. MarKG or Andy at would know if he signed more than necessary.

Thanks Eric, I purchased it so when it arrives I’ll check to see this. 


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