Hello !!

What do you think of his two autographs?
It seems authentic to me but I would like your opinions.
Thank you

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Both authentic IMO

I have my doubts on the Shaq because the 34 seems way too neat. He doesn’t really take the time to make it that perfect on the 34 in the autos I’ve seen. 

Had the same though initially but I've seen a few others where he's not just squiggled the 34 and made an effort but saying that there are not tons of examples of him doing it

Thank you for all your answers.
This will help me because I plan to invest in this signed set.

How much is the set costing?

$1500 , great deal ?

So I collect NBA autographs and considering that you can get a Shaq signed card from a trading company for about $100 or less and Kobe would be in the $150-200 range, that $1500 figure seems steep. Also, PSA/DNA authorization would add cost and the set as shown looks like 2 cut signatures without a picture of each. Just my two cents but if it’s worth it to you, by all means go for it. 

I agree with Deepak. If it was a photo etc then maybe but far too much for this IMO

I'd pass at that price.


Thank you for your invaluable advice.
This will allow me to have a margin of negotiation;)

I don't like either of them IMO.


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