Steve asked me to start a new thread since some were having a lot of issues with regards to whether or not the through the mail autographs of Jerry Lee Lewis are real or not.  I will post some examples of what we have been getting recently and some know in person examples.   These TTM signatures are not cheap.  You have to pay $50 for them to his box office box.  The question is are they real or not.  Roger has said that he has never seen Mr. Lewis sign this way and it looks to perfect - like a woman's signature.  

Please post your thoughts here and examples.



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Second photo
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That's head-banging.

JUST FYI for anyone interested...JLL has a rare show scheduled for next Saturday at BB King's in NYC.

Yeah, I posted that one back on page 88.

Another JSA stamped signature certified. Boo. 

I wouldn't buy jll period!!

You drank the Kool-Aid.

88 pages not to buy.

The JLL TTM secretarial claim has been discredited by one of its main proponents. 

Yes and then two tpa's agreed.
We have the TTM (100 dollars) that we're not certain of, the signed books, some say were proxys. It's a big mess.
I agree that it's a mess. I was waiting for that signature study, but it never happened.


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