Various six Elvis Autographs from the same ebay seller. What do you all think? Thank you all.

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Very nice discussion and information with interesting items. Like that. Thank you all for your input. 

Hello everyone,

wow - this indeed is a great discussion with a helpful sharing of references and comments! Thanks for your cool posts, Mr. Mojo Risin ;-)

Still, there are some things I do not understand:

1.) Why should those A. Roth or A. Schröer books not be taken as references? They include dozens of in-person autographs from eye witnesses (S. Schutz, H. Schaak, G. Rössner) which they had treasured for decades? Frankly speaking, much more material than the UACC Al Wittnebert Elvis signature study (which I received meanwhile)...

2.) Why do you all feel so certain that all ebay examples that started the discussion are fakes? I do again sense this "50ies signature from Germany --> must be a Bakker fake" syndrome here ;-) ;-) ;-) Please don't get me wrong - it is a matter of principle to me...

Please have a look at the following two examples

What is your first opinion...??? Pretty simlar, aren't they?

On the left you see one of the ebay items above (taken from "Die tönende Ansichtskarte"), and on the right you see my own autograph that I bought from Markus Brandes with COA (#3 from my 12 examples)...

Al Wittnebert writes "This time in history (i.e. Army years) produced the largest amount of authentic EP autographs that appear on the market today." Furthermore, he states a consistency in the autographs.

So what I mean is: "experts" like Andreas Roth seem to be wrong with the "Judy" autograph, everybody here has his own opinion or "gut feeling" about the authenticity - sometimes leading to controversial results - but who can really tell for sure? Consola/Epperson/Brandes only? Basically, they study the autograph like we do as a hobby and compare with known authentic examples... Of course, experience is THE key factor...

What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks & regards


My opinion is like the same... i don't like Elvis autograph with only Elvis autograph... i prefer see a dedication wirh the autograph... i prefer see other words... and i like only signature in pen... there are in these days discussion in this site that talk about laser-printed forgeries... could be possible that the Elvis autographs on ebay are all prints... contact KeithSpoon in this site...

Okay, thanks, Mojo - I got your point! So how do you like the full example of the cut I previously posted - or my latest acquisition from 64 with Hodge, Esposito & Schilling?

Comments welcome :-)

Best regards


I believe real... the handwritten of Elvis are correct...

Thanks for your evaluation, Mr. Mojo Risin' ;-) They just must be authentic... ;-) I paid a lot of money for them...



The second is great...

Dedications can be forged also.  Hans was a master at it.  Look at the Big Hunk O Love sleeve posted here.  Its,probably a Hans special

Yes Steve but is more easy see the fake...

And what do you think of the photos posted by me in this discussion? 


good imo


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