Michael Jackson autograph on Bad LP album cover - real or fake?

I am pretty certain my family bought this at an elementary school auction in the late 1980s (or possibly very early 90s.) from where I went to elementary school. Wondering if the MJ autograph is real or fake? 

Why would such an auction item be offered if it didn't have a real signature, but then again did I do the signature as a kid, myself? 

I took it, years back, to a baseball card / memorabilia / picture framing shop in Los Angeles' valley run by a family friend ... and he didn't authenticate it, but I don't know what method / place he used to outsource and I don't know if just because one place doesn't authenticate it, it is a sign that it is definitely fake? 

I also 

posted the picture and description here: 


First photo taken with flash; second photo taken without. 

Thanks Steve for running this site and accepting my image! and to all those who respond. 

Tags: fake, or, real?

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This is not authentic, Im sorry 

Thank you for the response. 

Hi Mich,

Welcome here. I hate to say it but that MJ isn't real in my opinion. Most companies that supply entertainment autographs to charity auctions supply forgeries.

I wish I had better news.

That's so kind you took your time to take a look at the photo / sig, Steve. (Esp. given all you must have to moderate and monitor on your site.) Best to you. 


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