Personal items that you have on personal display, or sentimental, or you have no plans to part with. Do you still authenticate them? Does it depend on the item, the potential value, or is it a hard yes or no? Personal preference? Just curious what more experienced collectors "think". Thanks guys.

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If you are not considering selling I see no need to get an autograph authenticated unless it is for you own peace of mind. You can get free opinions here and these members are very accurate.

I get them authenticated. Since we don't live forever and when I am gone if my family wants they can make extra money on them.  Just because I value something doesn't mean they're forced into valuing said item.  I will be dead and gone and not have any cares what they do with them.  I just hope they don't get ripped off if they do sell them. 

probably a good idea but i don’t get the ones i don’t plan on selling either because i know it’s real better than the jsa or psdna or beckett but maybe i better tell the person i leave this too what to do and the value lol 

Hard no for me. Many of the autographs I have are either obtained in person or from a musician's own merch store. Authentication for me personally is worthless there, since I don't need someone rendering an "opinion" on something I know is authentic or rubber stamping something otherwise directly from the source.

That aside, I don't have any interest in supporting these companies. If I thought they were really good at what they did, ran a tight ship and were completely ethical, I might have a somewhat different take. But I think even the best of them are largely crappy. Plus I do not want any of their butt ugly branding stickers on anything I own.

well stated buddy!!

Why authenticate? I see more fake authenticated and very less real 1000% not authenticated... and well? Serious and old collector, they don't need a piece of paper from an authenticator who knows less than you. Authenticate to sell? Why? Send the items ia a serious auction and the game is done.


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