Hello fellow members, 

I just received this partial envelope bearing the signature of Bruce Lee. It's faded and difficult to photograph. 

It's not printed nor do I think it is a auto pen but then I am not an expert. The signature is not 100% clear as there are gaps on the envelope where the ink has missed etc. But there is obvious indentation on the envelope where the ink has jumped. The 'L' looks different from what I have seen in the past. However I did find one similar.

According to the seller it was obtained from his father who apparently obtained it in person in about 1972.

The seller has no COA or any other supporting documentation etc. He is asking a substantial amount of money in part payment for a large chinese jade plaque he wishes to purchase from me. He also states it has never been on the market before. 

Aside from the forum I was thinking of forwarding it to ACOA. Is this a good idea or am I wasting my time and money? 



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Hi Mark,

The L is drawn incorrectly and the dragon symbol is also incorrect and disproportionate in size.  Definitely avoid this piece.  No way it will ever pass a reputable TPA such as PSA-DNA or Beckett. 

Regards- Peter

Thank you Peter. Much appreciated your viewing. Shall send it back!


You came to the right place. We have a member quite good at Bruce Lee who will probably see this, and comment if he does. I'll drop him a note.

Thanks Steve. Great forum. Found a definitive answer shared by all. 



Glad to hear that. Kato is my Bruce Lee goto, but J.Seah is quite good, too. 

Both not good IMO

Second appears copy of the one at PSA facts.

Hi Eric and J. Seah, 

I only posted that one as the 'L' is similar to the one I have been offered. I don't believe that one is a fake. It sold recently for about 20k. Only known example from the set of ETD.

However I don't like the way and angle of the Chinese doodle on the first one which is the one I have been offered. It's off to my eye. That's why I am asking. The seller is asking a lot for it. 

The B and R however look OK as does the angle of the signature. It's just the L and doodle that look funny. 




I'd stay away.

Thank you Eric. I shall return it tomorrow. 



Thanks J. Seah. Consensus is no good. Shall abide and return back. 


Dont like it, to me it looks slowly drawn instead of a fast signature that you would get from Bruce. Keep away from this one and the story that go's with it.


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