I purchase several autograph cards on Etsy, at rock bottom prices. Here is the dealer I purchased

from: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Tayjaycards

The dealer currently has 600+ autographed cards currently for sale. Advice me of my stupidity if any.

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Just my opinion from things heard, the fact that someone is selling autographs (or some of those names) on etsy (or mercari and other such sites), I think sellers try to pass off fakes on those websites (not that many don't do that on ebay though.)  You don't find near the quantity of autographs on those as ebay.  Don't think "rock bottom" prices apply to MJ, Kobe and some.  I'm not the expert on those 2 names but doubting they are legit regardless.  Hopefully others will chime in.

Weird place to be selling this stuff to begin with. A lot of big names on cheap cards suspiciously similarly signed. Hard pass.

I’m pretty confident the Magic, Kobe, Jordan, and Namath are fakes. That doesn’t leave much plausible believability for the other autos. 

My Kobe from him came back from James Spence Authentication as 100% authentic. So I got a bunch more. Everybody hates but hasn't actually purchased from him and sent for authentication. I have. His items have never failed me. That's why he had 5 star rating. Because the people who purchase and send them out know his stuff is legit. 

I am curious if you ever learned whether these cards were authentic or not?

I found this post a little late but I have done multiple purchases with tayjay. I too was a little skeptical about the pricing. But I took a leap and grabbed a few cards. I have sent 4 out so far for authentication. All 4 came back authentic. Just because he is selling them at low prices doesn't mean they aren't authentic. None of us know him. He could have a family member who works close with players,he could go to games or signings. We don't know. What I do know is that the ones I have purchased have been authenticated (4 so far) 2 by JSA and 2 by PSA. Just telling you all my experience. I will continue to do business with him any day. 

Those might be the craziest prices I’ve ever seen. $21 for a David Bowie “signed” poster? LOL.

Plenty of other premium items at giveaway prices. Looks like a lot of badly forged "autographed" cards. Guy selling this stuff is either an idiot or the forger.

For sure. Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Barack Obama, etc. It’s ridiculous even by Etsy standards.

Everyone can say anything about it. Just because something seems too good to be true doesn't always mean it is. Like I said I've purchased tons of autos from him and the 4 I sent in so far all were authenticated. And by reputable companies. James Spence (JSA) and PSA. I trust in him and his products. Now I have purchased autos on Etsy that turned out to be fake,but never from tayjay.  And some of his autos do have COAs.  He has some beautiful 8×10 auto posters that are ridiculously inexpensive and come with COA from reputable companies. Again I'm only speaking from facts. Had I not sent in those cards and got them back as authentic then I could see ranting about his stuff being forgeries or fakes. And if they are forgeries,then kudos to him for being able to perfectly replicate over two to three hundred different players autos flawlessly. Jeter,Tatis,Vlad, all very very difficult signatures. Any ways just giving my piece from personal experience. 

And you started an account here just to shill for him? Please.

And plenty of his items are crap, even to a novice eye.

No I started an account because I googled his Etsy name just to see what people were saying about his stuff. To see if anyone else has sent his stuff in for authentication. And I came across this post. I have no idea who the dude is,I don't get discounts,I just know from experience that one person talking crap about another person's business can ruin it for them. And if that's how they make their living and feed their families It can ruin everything for them. I haven't seen one other person in here say they bought something from him and sent it for authentication. If that was the case I could see you all hating on it. But no one here it seems has done that except for me. I know I did. I can post receipts, pictures,whatever. And I know mine came back authentic. I have many other friends in the collecting community who have also purchased from him and were not disappointed with the results. Now that I think of it thank you all for hating on his stuff. Makes it so I and others can reap the rewards while none of you purchase anything and take a chance. I've been in this game over 30 years. I've purchased many autos that turned out to be fakes. Good fakes. But when I find someone who's items are authenticating when I send them in,I'm going to continue to buy from said person. So again you can all continue to talk crap without really knowing. 


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