EYE-D: Portraits by Anna Gabriel (Signed by Anna & Peter Gabriel)

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Yes it was epic. He puts on an amazing show. I wish he would record and tour more . "So" in my opinion is the greatest album from.the 80's, I constantly play it 

and that's my third +1 to you Addison...regarding "So"...

"Car" "Scratch" "Melt" and "Security" ain't bad too !!!

Rumours of a new album in tour in 2023...let's hope.

Btw, "Red Rain" is my fave song from SO.

I was in the right place at the right time. No email notification for me. I was just checking stock and saw the title said back in stock 11-1. I bookmarked the page and checked again and saw the button to add to cart. I was pretty shocked.. nice surprise.

No email confirmation for me neither  Jason H. But my Paypal receipt all looks good. Funny thing, I live just outside Toronto Ontario as I think I've told you, and I was supposed to be in New York Oct 21-23 when Gabriel was signing in person, but it fell through...this is a VERY nice consolation!

I never thought I'd eventually obtain a Peter Gabriel autograph from his daughters book of eyeballs.. 

I payed with Paypal, ordered 2, Paypal says 1 item for $110, no other info. No email conformation from Rizzoli, and I cant log into my account.. fun.. I did take screenshots of everything though

Jason! Many thanks for taking time out to note this Gabriel restock.

I find myself, though, in the same purgatory as you. Paypal says I'm good, with the $75 or so for one copy, plus shipping, having been transferred. But not a word from the Rizzoli site itself yet.

As you did, I managed some quick screen captures both before and after hitting the final button on the purchase. There's always a chance that sort of thing could wind up of some value.

You should probably take at least some additional heart, too, in your having had the presence of mind to notice the create-an-account opportunity and at least to try to take them up on it. Maybe that'll activate at some point. I was racing through things so friggin fast I didn't even spot that option at all.

But I think we'll find out where we're at soon enough!

I'm glad we were able to score some copies. They seem to be sold out again. For anyone still hoping, keep in mind that the listing did say back in stock on 11-1, so keep checking the site

I actually made the same mistake and didn't realize an account was created for me until the end. As soon as I saw "add to cart" I was franticly checking out as fast as I could. I thought these would sell out instantly. Anyways, I'm now unable to log in with the password they gave me,  and have not received a response for a password change request. I'm sure we will be ok in the end but I'm going to try and contact them directly as well. 

Thanks heaps  J Burke, this was a great find. I managed to order from the restock.  Hopefully my order will be successful (not cancelled). I received the email confirmation within five minutes (and it indicates signed by Anna and Peter Gabriel).

Shipping to Australia was really expensive and it would have been cheaper to use a reshipper, however, I didn't want to miss this one faffing about in the night trying to find my US address so just ordered. Heads up if anyone else is shipping international


Whatever should happen with my order in the end--much appreciation, J, for your having dug up this Peter Gabriel possibility. AWESOME.

Yes J Burke! This is a big find! One of the best of the year, and ive scored a lot of good ones this year.. thank you for posting!

there are a few that popped up on ebay. If you are curious, this is what we will most likely be receiving..


When I got mine from the restock tonight it said 11-1.

As Jason H noted, then awhile later it appeared as sold out again.

Now I see it's once again available as a restock with this header 11-8, what's going on?

Perpetual restock???



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