The Paul McCartney signed deluxe edition book orders, which were cancelled by Hatchards upon release are now being sold in store only for 10K.

A few people, including myself, placed an order for the book in September 2021 @750 GBP. Those orders were cancelled a few days later, arguing that 'a system error on our website resulted in more copies of The Lyrics Deluxe Edition being released for sale than we physically have allocated by the publisher'.

Clearly this was a big fat lie as Hatchards now magically have a few copies in stock - eg the cancelled orders - that they deemed acceptable to price at 10K GBP each.

Coming from a rogue bookstore I could have understood, but is this what Waterstones stand for these days - corporate greed and customer contempt? As a customer, I do feel undervalued, aggrieved and insulted, as well as blatantly deceived and defrauded, as I'm sure anyone else having had their order cancelled would feel right now.

I took a picture of the notice board outside the Hatchards shop last Thursday (26 January). Clearly they do not want this publicized online as I am sure this is in breach of their publisher's agreement and as they are no doubt aware - ethically wrong. I did reach out to the store and got a dismissive reply. I will now explore the possibility of a taking them to court to chase compensation, and I invite anyone who have had their order cancelled to follow suit and give them the hell they deserve. We exposed Bob Dylan for his shady practices, Waterstones/Hatchards will not get away with it.

You can DM me if you require more information.

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Thanks for the tip, but it really isn't about the money at this point. Injustice and greed tend to rub me the wrong way. 

I noticed another High St seller selling copies for £7500 recently. Sold out.

Yes but surely they didn't cancel orders to resell the same book at 13x the price.

Can't say. But they must have held their copies aside? 

Makes me nostalgic for the Net Book Agreement.


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