DAFT PUNK - Thomas Bangalter - Mythologies 3LP - Very limited SIGNED Fnac edition

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Thank you. Am going to try and cancel from the other shop since this is nearly $40 cheaper. FNAC is fantastic. They ship to the US with DHL usually and it is super fast (under 1 week). They also remove VAT so the prices are cheaper than they initially look.

enjoy u all:)

i always thin to pay my dept couse someone slse was sharing something i waiting for (and i even dont know that i wnted it xd) ... even if i was late when depeche mode signed something...

Thanks Lucas. Big fan of Thomas. I hope he gets into composing for movies because his beats are legendary. Picked 2 up 1 for me and a friend. Ill keep my eyes peeled for depeche for you❤

Looks to be sold out now. Thanks again!

Awesome.  Thanks so much for sharing.  I had it in my cart but decided to pass-- trying to be more selective in 2023-- but that is a great seller.

there s another music part of this future release on streaming services and its amazing!

This is what it sounds like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqrHadCNh4c

back in stock

MIne just shipped to the States from FNAC. Really curious if it is an insert or cover signed. Expected delivery next Tuesday. I wish everyone has fast cheap overseas shipping like France.

Received today, directly signed on the box



Very nice.

Thanks for the image. So glad it isn't another insert. I can't wait to get this next week.


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