Usual soul selling for the no 1 spot strictly limited to 400 red kissed lipstick and signed edition sold out so a shameless pink lipstick kissed edition now available limited to 266 probably another coloured lipstick tomorrow ,these artists have no shame fleecing fans with 15 slightly different versions of the same lp
I can see whoever compiles the charts clamping down on this type of targeted selling i remember in the early 90s they stopped the multiple format selling when you used to get various options 12" singles in tin cans i remember black crowes ,little angels,the almighty etc in really expensive 12" tin cans costing the record companies much more than they sold for they cut it back to only 4 formats allowed 7",12" cd and 1 other i think the time has come for this to be looked at again i reckon anne marie has at least 15 different formats on her site plus assai obi ,amazon and hmv exclusive editions your looking at probably over 20 different options and maybe £400+ for her fans who want it all