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There were just 25 in stock for the for all kings. But they disappeared at the same time, they must have pulled it down?

Thx for the heads up - I’d have bought that. 65 for the other seems steep. 

Does when you add $25 shipping to UK

I got the live record today. Scott Ian's autograph is severely smudged & it's only signed by 4, not 5. The 3 vinyls look awesome

I seem to have gotten five signatures on "For All Kings," but Scott Ian's signature has a similar smudge. I wonder if he signed and stacked them too quickly or if he simply dragged his wrist. 

I got all 5 as well on mine. Tough luck to get 4/5, sorry about that.

I know you are limited with options now with newburycomics, either keep as is or send it back. I received my Live copy today signed by 5, Ian isn't smudged. 

Sorry this happened to you. Not trying to rub salt but just letting you know what others are receiving so you can decide if you want to keep it or send it back. This happened a few times to me and newbury has always refunded shipping so you wouldn't be out anything if you decided to go that route

The member you are missing is Joey Belladonna

I'm 100% keeping it, I'm a vinyl collector first & this variant isn't that easy to track down locally. I can easily get Joey's autograph. 

Great! You arnt kidding though, the vinyl and jacket are really nice. 

Side note I think is pretty funny

Im rehabbing a bedroom for our daughter. Have to widen the closet just an inch or 2 and the only way to do it in this rural old home is to remove the lath and plaster completely. Its old horsehair plaster which was tested for asbestos but theres always a chance the horsehair has anthrax. Anyways, I started demolition over the weekend. And its a very dusty job. Its just ironic about the timing of delivery. The look on my wife's face when I told her I got anthrax....  this was taken right after pulling off all the plaster.  Sorry just sharing a funny story and raise some anthrax awareness lol



Check the back of the album, I was missing Joey Belladonna as well but he signed the back, kind of weird... 



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