Quickly found 2 examples sold on ebay a month ago for $75 and $80 that look to be real. Theres 1 on ebay currently with an example as well. Seems like its worth the gamble if you need Van still. I lucked out with Moving On Skiffle. If I didn't score those, I'd probably have purchased a couple of these
Edit.. looks to be sold out now.
Still available here
I have not seen an example of the cd print yet
The cd is really tempting to pick up 2 for $39 USD total shipped.. im trying hard to resist temptations these days but this one is tough. I may pull the trigger even though I have Skiffle
I hear you, I’ve been trying to hold off on any repeats at this point (actually eliminates a lot lol) but it’s Van and the cd option was nice…just hope they look good like the vinyls on eBay
Glad I pulled the trigger. Listing still shows as available but if you try adding to cart, the cd and both vinyl are sold out.
Oh ok, I was wondering about that but never actually clicked on them after I bought mine…shipped yesterday, which was quick (I know the album has been out a bit)
I received my cds from the van Morrison site. They overnighted them from uk to Oklahoma. Inserts are 12 x 12. I compared a few and I believe they are real.
would you trade one please?
Jeez…i dont know, tell me some you want i might have something, i also got some on person signs and most times proof
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