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I second that, 97% of my problems ordering signed music items over the years came from Universal and their subsidiaries, plain and imsple. They also threatened to cancel all my outstanding orders (only 2 at the time, but items I really wanted) if I opted for a credit car claim, which I believe is an illegal practice. They operate like the mafia, keep changing products, cancel signed bundles but still charge you and send the unsigned items of the bundle (without asking) - which always account for 95% of the bundle price - practice regular autopen / ghost signers, and definitely think they are above the law. Difficult to do without as they have prominent artists on their roaster, but given the choice I will always opt to order from another company. Do some research, some well-known companies are under the Universal umbrella and few people know.

plus one and very well written

Has the man himself still not made any comment on all this?

Does anyone know if there has been a reaction?


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