Just realized this was gone so I’m making it again.
0800Autocollect itf BluEyeDude13 Mikhell
Yes indeed, November 15 is the release date for both Gwen and Linkin.
One of my best friends is a higher up with Warner Music, and tips me off.
Let's all keep eyes on this, after all, This part of the forum is called
the way i ran to that link so fast!!! i thought you meant they just posted them!
There is a buzz on Social Media that Miley Cyrus is getting ready to release Vinyls with signed posters and signed CDs. Not sure if true, or when but worth watching
They have the store changed to check back soon so apparently they are getting the new stuff ready. I can’t remember her ever offering signed options so this one is exciting for me. Here is the link to her store for anyone interested. https://shop.mileycyrus.com/password?customer_posted=true#contact_form
Shouldn’t it be sometime
today, never see stuff down for days.
I’m constantly refreshing the page so i hope so lol, i lucked out and got in on the Ariana restock this morning so hoping to get lucky again, that one sold out in less than 2 minutes so I didn’t have time to post it
Here is the UK store link, also waiting to go live. https://mileycyrusuk.store/password
Its live go go go!
Sold out
Thanks Joel, I got a signed copy yesterday - all credit to you!
You’re welcome, I got one also but barely, I had no idea when they were going live and had quit refreshing the page. And then picked my phone up and checked again at just the right time. I love it when it works out like that lol
I wouldn't have known it was happening either and got lucky, cheers.
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