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Looking to acquire this cut signature...just not sure about the authenticity.  Did a bunch of photo matching.  Looks pretty solid, but still have my doubts....can anyone please help? 


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Is their a COA? That will tell me a lot, plus where is it being Sold at?

No COA.  Private sale.  

IMO not authentic, the Ruth is way off. Also, what's the price being ask? A cut signature like that, would go for a lot of dough

Not authentic.

There are more experts on Ruth signatures on this site, if you want to wait for their opinions

Thanks, everyone.  I do have my doubts, hence why I am here.  I am new to the site.  Can you point me in the direction of some of the Ruth experts?

Trust me, they will comment on this soon. Christopher Williams, Terrier, just to name a few. There are a lot experts on here to help. Welcome

William I thought these were discussed before here, but I couldn't find them.  These are to be avoided.

Thanks for the information.  After doing a lot more photo research, I seem to be concurring with your sentiments.

The main issues I have:

1) the 2nd "E" in George...notice the curl at the end almost representing a looping figure...could not find in any other sigs

2) The "R" in Ruth has no separation between the line and the loop

Combine these with the inconsistency of the lining between Herman and Ruth, as you mentioned, and there is much cause for concern.

Thanks for the input!

from comparing your example William.  Herman is way off in the above cut posted.

The signature in the OP does not look "natural" IMO

Good information William. A authentic cut signature like that is really rare, probably valued in the high thousands. Good info guys


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