
At Steve Cyrkin's invitation, I'd like to call your attention to a signature study I've posted on my blog, Charlton Heston signature study by Steve Zarelli.

I believe I have identified the "tell" in Charlton Heston secretarial signatures, and if I am correct, the news is not good for most collectors. It appears that most  Heston signed photos are secretarially signed.


Here is a synopsis:

The Theory
Photographs and other memorabilia sent to Mr. Heston's office were signed by a secretary. However, Mr. Heston did authentically sign books through-the-mail.  

Real vs. Secretary
In authentic signatures, the R in "Charlton" is distinctly a lowercase "r" and less than half the height of the L. The first four letters are clearly "Char."

In secretarial signatures, the R looks much more like a lowercase "l" and is about the same height as the L. So, the first four letters appear to be "Chall."

I have attached two images to give you a small sampling.  

For more details and images, please visit my blog at the link below.

I'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts on this. I fully anticipate some resistance to the theory, because denial is always the first step. In fact, I would love to be proved wrong, because that would mean I wasn't sitting on a bunch of secretary signed photos!

By way of introduction, I have been collecting since the early 90s and I am the UACC Ethics Director.

I look forward to the discussion.

The Collecting Obsession


Steve Zarelli


Tags: Charlton, Forgery, Heston, Secretary, authenticating, autograph, secretarial

Views: 26180

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Did you read the PSA/DNA info I posted about 30 mins ago?

I did and thinking that does not bode well which is why they have to head this off but I can also guarantee if they use the tactic, "it was only an opinion" they may not survive the public relations nightmare that would certainly ensue when it comes to authenticating Hollywood.

I think that giving everyone time to find out about, question and make their own determinations on the likely secretarials is in order here.

Many if not most people probably haven't even heard about it yet. And while I don't doubt that these are secretarials, I'd still like a couple more days of feedback to come in. I'd like to give an opportunity for at least one party that doesn't agree to make their case.

Ought to be one hecka of a case to listen to.... especially with his in-person/observed & book signatures -as- compared to his "dbl L" brand but always good to have an open mind.


but as far as PSA/DNA is concerned, I'd have a hard time believing they are not aware of especially where R&R has stepped up to the plate already.  The business rule I learned long ago is 1. stop the bleeding  2. assess damage control  3. fix and put in place revived controls & practices.

Has anyone asked them?


I agree with you to some extent.

However, if anyone seriously reviews Rolf 's and Steve Z. Signature Studies,

and does there own homework, they will more than likely agree with the results,

and question why a Authentication Company as prominent as PSA/DNA has still remained silent on these findings.

I do not believe for one minute that they are unaware of the findings here,

and their continued SILENCE on this matter speaks volumes......

Why doesn't someone contact Joe Orlando and ask him? I listed his email the other day, jorlando@collectors.com.


Steve, 'cause he seldomly responds to these types of inquiries.  Seldomly could be an overstatement...  Sort of like EBAys fraud reporting system ;-)
Have you tried it?
I'd take the 5th but it applies only to statements, but not to actions... and you ask if I tried.....   now that is funny.  We be just mere peasants in this one my lord.


I tried twice about this subject.

The fact that AW, RR and JSA have taken notice, and Bob Eaton and John Reznikoff are on the PSA Board of Experts, leads me to believe that PSA/DNA is aware of the situation and continues to remain silent.

I welcome PSA/DNA to prove me wrong...

Sometimes Bob that assumption can make an A s s out u and me.  Don't presume that the top of the heap may be aware of an emerging & acceptable update.


Sort of like that Roberto Clemente of several years ago when it was detected that his limo driver had been atually signing many of them.    There will always be new evidence coming forward and there are some that are slower to react than others.  But react they will one way or the other...


Now we just need worry about the ones that may/will  fight this tooth & nail.


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