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Like so many places (aka Pogo the Klown Posse and your followers) there are those that simply want to throw harpoons while providing very little value add.

has found that there are some with an alternative agenda to abuse our open approach to commenting on the world of militaria collecting/trading. To that end we would welcome suggestions from you concerning site format and direction.

It is sites like Dolos who suspect with their going into hibernation;  that the world of militaria collecting will once again return to its uneasy status quo where people, apparently, would prefer not to know the truth. Others, who do know the truth. would clearly prefer it not be made widely available. Others still will do all they can to derail any attempt to assist collectors (and dealers) to make informed decisions.

but for claritfication;  Dolos' aim was make the world of militaria collecting more transparent and less open to malicious abuse and profiteering and we stand by that aim. We would like to thank you for your support of the project.

Just so that you know, we were not taken down, no one set their lawyers onto us. We closed voluntarily. This decision was taken because we felt that Dolos was beginning to lose focus. There were increasing numbers of personal attacks from a very small minority with little to back them up and we had cases where threads hit a dead end because nothing was forthcoming when a participant was asked to provide proof for their claims. Deletion of such threads resulted in howls of 'censorship!!' which was extremely unfair and not at all the intention. Others outside the forum preferred to take the route of lambasting the site owners by email rather than stepping up to the plate on the forum to answer any questions themselves. Increasing amounts of time were required to administer all of this and the inevitable conclusion was that Dolos needed a 'time out' and that's where we are now.

If and when we reopen it will be to concentrate fully on our original aim by making it difficult for those with an alternative agenda to abuse our open approach to commenting on the world of militaria collecting/trading. To that end we would welcome suggestions from you concerning site format and direction.

Personal attacks?  Geez, I wonder where we have heard that one...


Note: 2/15/2012  I see the Thread was closed without my advance knowledge and then reopened as I had an issue with not giving Mr. Bill equal response time which has now occurred  and has again been closed to commentary.  The thread was originally started to simply convey the issue of Dolos shutting down.  Since it has reopened, the thread title was changed by Cyrkin. 

While I don't have any major agita with some of the decisions it needs to include the threads owner unless it is really gone off the deep end.

One thing I absolutely disagree with is this nonsense about "not autograph oriented".  We have lots of those discussions from Relic Cards to Titanic Props to WW2 Hitler Desk Sets and all don't have any "autograph association" but are within the realm of collectables.  There are also quite a few worthy Military signatures and artifacts.

Thus to say it wasn't autograph oriented is lame.  The rationiale IMO is that there was alot of mudslinging and flamethrowing apparently going on at DOLOs (which was one of the reasons they closed the blog down for awhile) that seemed to weave it's way over here in an annoymous comment  Those types of posts, as was correctly edited by the Moderator,  was perhaps indicative of potential future spiraling and out of control posts. 

NOTE: 2/18/2012;   While going to check on the Dealer rating page as it has some nice features that AML could use, I found a site message posted below;   So I've change the title that Steve Cyrkin modified to say Refocuses on it's main intent, maybe....  It's pretty sad when to think that a once informative blog has again disappeared due to such backbiting and illwill.

I'm sorry for this repeated  loss of service but even I now have to admit that I've come to the end of the road with this project in it's current incarnation.  I'm closing because I don't need the poisonous hassle I'm getting behind the scenes.    

Conspiracy theories about Dolos abounded and continue to abound.  I have heard some fantastic stories about who people think is running the Dolos Project and why it came into existence.  They would be funny if they weren't such a sad indictment of our hobby...    

There is no point in continuing with the project in the current climate but I'd like to extend my thanks to those of you who saw through the hype and ill-will and had a genuine desire to effect change in our hobby.       

Thanks for your time

The Dolos Project
Feb 2012  

Tags: dolos-project, militaria

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Sorry you got dragged into this, Steve...and no, there's no compelling autograph interest in a war which DB stumbled into and which is of no concern to autograph people. 

I will scold you on one matter, and you should have known better - I am no "friend" of Steve Koschal, or more specifically the majority of what I see posted on Autograph Alert...to the same degree that I am no "friend" of any webmaster, moderator or website that posts anonymous accusations against individuals. Many such forums exaggerate the negative evidence, and ignore the positive, often for propagandistic purposes. Of late, I've been the victim of such attacks, attacks that would make the vitriol in the autograph world a cakewalk by comparison. 

Do I think that there appear truth and lies in the forums on both sides in the autograph world? Sure. Am I daily pressured to "pick a side!". Yup. Will I? Nope. 

I don't take sides to avoid becoming one of "them". My "blabbermouth" would get me in a lot of hot water with one side or the other...or both. And honestly, a lot of what I read everywhere I find quite distasteful. I really wished that everyone just shut-up and went about their business and let the law sort it out. But that wasn't to be.

Those who know me know my sentiments which are neither 100% "Obama" nor 100% "Gingrich". I'm more a "Ron Paul" kind of guy who shuts up and pulls the curtain when he votes.     

And that's the end of the story.


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