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Mantle, DiMaggio Forgeries on eBay, GFA/Stephen Rocchi Certified John Gorajczyk

Here in this thread I am going to show various examples of Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio forgeries listed and sold on Ebay with COAs from Steve Rocchi, lead "authenticator" for Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators (GFA).

What is really sad, is that thousands of our military personnel got ripped off buying this garbage from the AAFES website.  I bet a ton of them got them at cheap prices and looked at them as an investment.  This crap is pure garbage.

Please note that in the 5 1/2 years since GFA started, I have yet to see even one authentic Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams, Willie Mays, Sandy Koufax, etc. autograph with a GFA (Rocchi) COA.  

It is now 2021 and we have yet to observe an authentic autograph attached to a GFA (Rocchi) COA.

Before I show the aforementioned, immediately below are links to two important threads on Stephen Rocchi and Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators (GFA).

There have also been a ton of Mantle/Koufax forgeries on baseballs.

All laughable.

In my opinion, forgeries are at an all-time high on Ebay.

The main reason that forgeries are at an all-time high is because they are an easy sell, especially on Ebay.

As most of us here know, forgeries are meant to have the appearance of looking authentic, and of the people that purchase autographs, only 20% are the true hobby; the other 80% are fans, wannabe autograph collectors and impulse buyers.

Sellers of forgeries know that the 80% will bid and purchase their forgeries.  

Those 80% who purchase forgeries, have no idea what they are looking at. 

As a matter of fact, those same people who buy forgeries probably purchase authentic autographs by chance and they still have no idea what they are looking at.

Selling forgeries on Ebay is easy, because, as we all know, Ebay does not care, and that's why fraud is so rampant on Ebay.

Throw in a few lies, print an impressive COA and it's an easy sell for the sellers of forgeries.

In this case, the "impressive" COA is from Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators (Steve Rocchi).

The people who buy forgeries with COAs from Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators are impressed and swayed by the "Forensic" aspect of the GFA COA.

Those 80% who purchase autographs/forgeries, have no idea what they are looking at. 

Selling forgeries on Ebay is easy, because as we all know, Ebay does not care, and that's why fraud is so rampant on Ebay.

First we're going to look at numerous Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio forgeries listed and sold by Ebay seller Coinfinder58.

Ebay seller Coinfinder58 writes "As of September of 2011, the sports memorabilia authentication companies have used collectors and dealers as their authenticators. These authenticators highly respected in the industry have for their collecting and selling expertise have had little or no formal training in forensics and document examination. Stephen’s background in law enforcement along with his years of experience in authentication, working with well trained forensic and document examiners, combined with today’s latest technology can produce consistent scientific proof that signatures are authentic or counterfeit."

Now that's laughable and a bad freakin' joke!!!

Just like the "autographs" below; all are laughable.

Let's look at some examples of Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio forgeries on various images listed/sold by Ebay seller Coinfinder58 and other Ebay sellers with COAs from Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators (GFA).

Let's make one thing clear:  These are obvious and no-brainer forgeries.

Look at all of this crap!!!

It's now 2021 and I still have not observed one authentic Mantle, Williams, DiMaggio, Koufax, etc, with a worthless COA from GFA.

The majority of this crap (the photos) are not even hand-signed.  They are basically copies produced on inkjet paper.

This "lipstick on a pig" set of forgeries is basically a copy of forgeries produced (copied) on inkjet paper.

These are basically copies of forgeries produced on inkjet paper.

In other words, worthless pieces of paper.



Listed by Ebay seller Jilliamereck0.



Listed by EBay seller Kona20122012.

Another set of mass-produced forgeries of Mantle and & DiMaggio.

Not even hand-penned; produced by a machine.

This "Showcase" crap has also been sold by AtAuction.com, Ubid.com and Military Exchange Auctions (selling forgeries to our brave military people).


Typical "lipstick on a pig" that we see on Ebay, AtAuction, Ubid and Military Exchange Auctions.

Machine-penned forgeries dressed up in cheap matting and framing.


Listed by Ebay seller Carddood.

How many hundreds of times have we seen the below image with laughable forgeries of Mickey Mantle and Ted Williams with a worthless COA from Stephen Rocchi and his Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators group.


This forged Mickey Mantle baseball is listed by Ebay seller Fireprobatman.

The moron who forged this Mantle penned on a "1994 World Series" baseball.


Here's a forged Mickey Mantle cap with a worthless COA from GFA.



Typical set of Mantle/DiMaggio forgeries with a worthless COA from GFA.















This one is listed by Ebay seller Damiamoble-0.






























Mickey Mantle forgery sold by Ebay seller Lorbarr0 for a whopping $45.00 with worthless COA from GFA (Stephen Rocchi).





Ebay seller Jem-properties is selling Mickey Mantle and Hank Aaron forgeries with a worthless COA from Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators.


The Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays and Duke Snider forgeries below are listed by Ebay seller Mccauleyjr2006.

I've posted a few threads on Ebay seller Mccauleyjr2006 who has sold dozens of GFA certed forgeries.




The below Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio forgeries with a COA from GFA are listed/sold by Ebay seller Pan4life14.



The below Mickey Mantle/Ted Williams forgeries are listed by Ebay seller Rmghobbies.


Here's another image that contains Mickey Mantle/Ted Williams forgeries.

These are listed by Ebay seller Garri_bren.


Here's another example of a Mickey Mantle forgery certed by Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators (Steve Rocchi).

The below Mickey Mantle forgery is listed by Ebay seller Salci_jewelry_watches.


These Mickey Mantle forgeries are listed by Ebay seller Ginah1103.




The below Mickey Mantle & Ted Williams forgeries are listed by Ebay seller Sportsstuff87.


These Mickey Mantle forgeries are listed by Ebay seller Rbisportsinc.



The below Mickey Mantle forgery is listed by EBay seller JoeJohn2300.


The below Mickey Mantle forgery is listed by Ebay seller Joeylpa.


Here's another image that contains Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays forgeries with a COA from GFA (Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators).

The below Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays forgeries are listed by Ebay seller Westerntraders2020.


The below image which contains a Mickey Mantle forgery "certed" by Steve Rocchi and GFA, is listed by EBay seller Init43.

The below image with that Mantle forgery has been "authenticated" by all of the phoney authenticators like Ted Taylor, Drew Max, GAI, etc.


Check out this set of Mickey Mantle and Jo DiMaggio forgeries listed by Ebay seller Stevew6.

These are simply putrid and obvious forgeries, and of course, these forgeries come with a COA from Steve Rocchi (GFA).


The below Mickey Mantle forgery is listed by Ebay seller Bgbhbgbh.


Here's another image of Mickey Mantle with a GFA-certed Mickey Mantle forgery.

This Mickey Mantle forgery is listed by Ebay seller Lenbone8464.


Here's another example of a Mickey Mantle forgery "authenticated" by Steve Rocchi of Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators.

The below Mickey Mantle forgery is listed by Ebay seller Roccsoliddealsnsteals.


This set of Mickey Mantle, Duke Snider and Willie Mays forgeries is listed by Ebay seller Jtuya with a worthless COA from Guaranteed Forensic Authentics (also known Guaranteed Fake Autographs).

This, again, is the same crap (forgeries) John House, CEO of AtAuction has been selling for years.


The below Mickey Mantle and Ted Williams forgeries on that particular image is listed by Ebay seller Bluto.

The below Mantle and Williams forgeries on that image have been "authenticated (cough, cough)" by GFA (Guaranteed Fake Autographs/Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators), GAI (Mike Baker), Ted Taylor (TTA/Stat Authentic), Drew Max (Authentic Autographs Unlimited), etc.


The above "Mickey Mantle," "Joe DiMaggio," etc. signatures are all obvious and no-brainer forgeries.

I will be adding more images that contain GFA (Steve Rocchi) certed forgeries of Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio.

The above forgeries have been selling for the last five years on the websites AtAuction.com (John House, CEO), Ubid.com and the Military Exchange Auction.

That's another story for another day (very soon).

The below Mickey Mantle/Ted Williams forgeries sold by the Military Exchange Auction website.


Tags: Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators Signed Forged Mickey Mantle Photo

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"I've seen a fake purchase order of a large quantity of Scoreboard inventory....copy of course. Also saw poor generic looking copies of player exclusive contracts supposedly received from Scoreboard records during a bankruptcy sale where a tractor trailer of inventory was purchased." 

I think we've all seen the one  (contract) signed by Mickey Mantle. The funny thing is, it has a legitimate Mantle signature LOL. Not the same style of the forgery fakes we are discussing.

That was the one he didn't have. Go figure. Saw one for Nolan Ryan and the other I don't remember. May have been Griffey Jr but not positive. Only had page 3 of both with the copied signatures. Pages 1 and 2 were nowhere to be found. Things looked like they had been copied hundreds of times. Quality if copy was so bad. Was ridiculous.

Hard part is these guys tell these stories with so much conviction it almost gives you the impression they believe their own BS.

"I've seen a fake purchase order of a large quantity of Scoreboard inventory....copy of course. Also saw poor generic looking copies of player exclusive contracts supposedly received from Scoreboard"

Here's the Mantle contract  for posterity sake that accompanies so many fakes. Notice the style of Mantle signature on this contract does not look anything like the forgeries that accompany them.

Would these be the Contract and PO you were talking about rick?1




Yes. The top two were shown to me by AtAuction. Was pretty sure it was Griffey Jr. The others I hadn't seen before.

7531 NW 47th Ave, Coconut Creek, Fl 33973. You are welcome at any time, as long as you make an appointment. I never hide Ken I have invited to meet with you several times and you have ignored me. I will ask you one Question though. Why were you escorted out of Scoreboard by armed guards and WHY was Scoreboard suing you right after and yes I have a copy of that suit as well. Inclusive of how you ordered the former printer of the CLASSIC CARD Co. to remanufacture the SHAQ Rookie Cards and you were selling them LATE AT NIGHT on the various cable networks. If you want to throw stones, I have a large pile. Interesting how you would have a print out of the Inventory of the bankrupt Scoreboard Inv.. Unless you were also bidding on it, along with others to purchase it, inclusive of myself and B&J Collectibles. Too bad we were both outbid ! Oh and by the way they only had 20 Mantles because I had the rest. Thanks for helping me make a point. Looking foreward to hearing from Jack Cordosa, hope you can get your former brother-in-law Barry to talk as well. I'm sure he would have a lot to say about America Memorabilia and how they acquired all their inventory. Oh that's right he got it from his partners, Ken Goldin & Paul Goldin, Buying up all that inventory that Scoreboard was writing off their taxes, claiming that they were "DAMAGED". Oh yea I even have copies of the faxes between Barry and MFP requesting us to make product for Americana Memorabilia, so that they could compete with the Scoreboard, So much info so little space.

Americana memorabilia was a disclosed company in every annual report during its existence from 1990-93 as a company run by the son in law of the paul goldin. It was disclosed in every public document and was used to market to home shopping network because they wouldn't do diret business with score board since score board sold product to QVC. All American memorabilia sales went thru score board and the profits went to score board . In fact the numbers and amount of sales were disclosed in every 10k while it existed
Barry bookman, Rick wasserman, jack Cardozo, herb dubler, are all around and I am in contact with all of them. Armed guards? You serious? I resigned and had multiple contract offers to try to get me to stay. I look forward to seeing you in Florida as I will visit.
everyone here knows who you are, what you stand for, and what you have done and still do in the past 30 years. I was contacted that you are posting here and asked to post historical facts, which I have done. I wont get into a debate with a madman who will sit behind the computer endlessly and lie. I will. However, see you in person and we can discuss this and you can show me all your documents

"Americana memorabilia was a disclosed company in every annual report during its existence from 1990-93 as a company run by the son in law of the paul goldin. It was disclosed in every public document and was used to market to home shopping network because they wouldn't do diret business with score board since score board sold product to QVC. All American memorabilia sales went thru score board and the profits went to score board "

AND isn't it funny that Items that bear the legitimate American Memorabilia Certification are authentic and bear NO RESEMBLANCE to the dime store phonies we have been discussing.

That's the point here. I understand there are 2 sides to your stories, but the autographs don't lie. Simple as that PERIOD 

here you go forum

"court documents"

Attachments: No photo uploads here


After reading this document I am convinced of Mr. Podsada's questionable activities. We have met when Tony and I delivered plaques to Scoreboard for the very first time.  You father seemed very nice as did you and Berto. I had worked for Tony for a while and many questions had always flashed through my mind.  for example he had a 500 Home Run Club plaque signed by all members as of 1989.  Now how he got Ruth among others who were deceased always blew my mind as either very lucky or very convenient.  I was under the impression anything made for Scoreboard was signed stuff supplied by Scoreboard that Tony had us mount by I had no knowledge of anything.   The plaque hardware was supplied by Freeman Products to which they were getting upset with money still owed and so I know Tony was under pressure.  I don't have evidence from my employ with Tony but autographs were plentiful which always left questions for me.  How he got Mark Koneig for the "Murderers Row" plaque makes me wonder.  The stuff he gave me is probably not worth anything based on this document.  Sorry to hear that this happened to him but these are his actions.  Sorry to hear about your dad and hope you are well.  I'd rather not say who i am but Tony would know and I'd rather keep it this way. 

Welcome, NJD,

It sounds like you still have signed pieces Tony Podsada gave you. Would you mind uploading them?

Yeah Steve sure ive me some time as i have three items.  

Phil Rizzuto plaque

Billy Martin plaque

Murderer's Row plaque


Art S@@gi


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