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Would be interesting if the signature is just an „E“ too just like the Banquet‘s release (especially regarding the price).

If you scroll down further on the same link, in two different places it shows that it is a full elton signature, with him holding up a sample of the signed page

$655 USD they can keep it.

Well, there’s the (totally expected) proof that his ‘E’ for Banquet Records is simply not a necessary “accommodation to [his] eyesight” but rather he can’t be bothered… which I think we all knew deep-down was the, harsh, reality. Hey, at least these releases all *seem* to actually be hand-signed this time though!

In fact, just to rub it in, it looks from their respective ‘proof’ photos/videos that these releases may both have been signed at the same time (same clothes, same place)…

Unless the full sig is for the photo op and what you actually receive is the EJ version. There’s also that consideration. Thee old bait and switch.

Lol right, totally agree. Also, looks like he’s possibly counting them as he signs the art cards in the video? As if to say, I’m only signing x number of these and will make sure of it lol 


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