Dear Forum-

I am in the hunt for my first Elvis Presley autograph. I am a modest person and looking for something affordable that could be passed down in my family.

This is currently listed with a JSA authentication.

How does this look to the forum? 

Any feedback is appreciated!


Tags: Elvis, Presley

Views: 951

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Elvis... The most faked autograph in the word! Very very few item are authentic and genuine...
If the major expert (consola) on elvis said to me that the piece is fake... This piece could have 10 coa but for me and for serious collector not have value...
You are right. What is your opinion on this piece?
I donw't buy it never...
For me it is also a bad fake! Jsa coa.... Wow!

Hello David,

I have no problems with this signature...

To my eyes it's the real thing...

What is the asking price or is it at auction???

If you send it to consola.. He will say that it is not genuine... I'm sure!

 I don't believe that would be the case...


I sent to consola similar autographs and everytime he said me:"fake".

That ink and that paper look like they get along well together just about as much as a snake and a mongoose would, right Tiz?

Before I even address the architecture and then the intricate details of the signature, I would have a hard time getting around the teaming of the paper and ink for a 1953 to 1977 time frame.

I don't understand ... This is real woody or not for you?

Aged paper and ink that appears not to have aged much at all, a curious match. Was the paper already old when it was signed? And if so, why would Elvis be signing something blank that's already old? Or has the paper considerably aged in the past 40-50 years, while the ink remained as fresh as new?

These are questions that any authenticator should address before tackling the mechanics of the signature.

As stated, the paper and the ink appear to be a significant mismatch.

This would be my first obstacle, and a hurdle that needs clearing, hopefully by in-hand examination, before even considering how plausible the signature is.


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