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Hey Guys how are you ? So I wanted to contribute a small tutorial/debate and also kind off show how that signatures vary from conditions and times . I have just chased the Expendables cast Paris and London for 6 full days with no Breaks and very little sleep very little. Please note this subject is only for a healthy chat and it is not tied or linked to any other , I would just like to show people how hard it is to be part of this comunity.

I have found out over the years there is too many cons in this game and this is why I always try to adapt with the times, For exampe the COA that I give out always have the exact picture of the Item sold as I offer a lifetime guarantee, I also Archive every autograph I have sold in a file so I know that it has originated from me and so on.

Collecting, Dealing , Buying or selling has become a nightmare since the Cancer/Aids website known as EBAY was established this was the begining of the end now we are all chasing our tales and trying to survive amongst the criminals.

Please note am not advertising and am not here to sell them I just want to show you how difficult it is to claim you know it all and you will see by the examples below.

I was at their Hotel from 08:00 every day chasing on scooter or car to every event tv , radio , press ,Lunch Dinner and Premiere etc.

Now I did great but it is only because I put the time and effort in for example Sly has now gone super tough harder than Arnie which is mad but as Arnie said countless times last few weeks Sly is the biggest name on the Planet on the Action Scene.

For many of you that dont know me I have always been a loud member of Acaf and have always helped them kill ebay fakers , I wanted to share this with you and show you how hard it is becoming to Authenticate Autographs and that this days TRUST is more Important than anything especially in this game.

To will Give you a rough Idea first I will start with Arnie, and we will progress to all the guys from the film.

So Arnie arrived in Paris on 9th From  Geneva he checked into his Hotel at 13:15 I was there , He left his hotel at approx 15:00 went for Lunch at the Eiffel Tower then at approx  20:45 to go to the Premiere I was there , He signed Autographs on arrival you can view the videos on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvvcLaeblec  at approx 4.00 in you see me Arnie takes 2 boards of photos black and white gun shot signs it returns it etc I actually squeezed in 3 at that moment stretching side to side etc. At 4 13 am still getting arnies as Sly is next to me lol Am the guy with the Grey T shirt  at 4 29 you can see from Sky View am getting sly etc.

Moving on I done them coming out the premiere from Cinema followed them to the Bar/Restaurant by the American embassy were they went from 22:00 pm Jason Statham was First to arrive and first to go Stayed there up to 01:30 am then went to bed, Woke up at 7 am went to the Hotel Arnie come out at 9am went for bike ride I was there came back after having photos on his bike at the eiffel tower I was there  and he tweeted it . I was there day and night for 5 full days Paris London I have time and place at every Hit even taking photos at all times since this days its the only thing people believe, I want to say this so you know i was on them like a dog on heat.

Now with arnie you had to be there all day because he would sign once in the whole day but no one knew when or time or going in coming out etc , so you had to be there from the minute he woke up to the minute he went to sleep.

Now the debate I would like to show you guys how hard at times it is to know if the item is real or not as actors depending on their condition drunk or sobber or standing one on one , or been chased in a car window or premiere or behind gates the signature could vary.

And this is why I always tell people if you dont know the seller or trust him do not buy as the person selling the item is as important as the item .

So let me start with the Premiere one the one you see it the first one here  [img width=800 height=646]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/onestop_autographs/arnolds...[/img]

Now this 2 were also obtained at the same time as that one in those moments that arnie was there with me [img width=645 height=800]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/onestop_autographs/arnolds...[/img] [img width=800 height=619]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/onestop_autographs/arnolds...[/img]

Now once he left I run and chased him down the line trying to reach behind the crowds with massive 16 x 12 on a board I managed one more just about as you will see the quality is not briliant but I want to show you that it is not same like before this was under a lot of hustle and chaos and trying to go over heads to acttually get it in front of him etc [img width=731 height=800]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/onestop_autographs/arnolds...[/img]

So this 4 babys were all above at the premiere now moving on On Another period behind a barrier outside the hotel he signed again but a little different look at this two [img width=800 height=635]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/onestop_autographs/arnolds...[/img] [img width=640 height=800]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/onestop_autographs/arnolds...[/img] Can you see how the A looks like it is actually a small A weird but true this is Arnie .

Now at a car chase were he put the window down no more than 4 fingers space to feed them through,  I manage to get this 2 and this is why they are in an angle as crowd all trying to feed photos in through window everyone feeding through window and no one could feed straight [img width=800 height=582]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/onestop_autographs/arnolds...[/img]  [img width=643 height=800]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/onestop_autographs/arnolds...[/img]  Once again not great but this are Arnie graffs all obtained in person ..

Now this is at another period again at a restaurant [img width=800 height=646]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/onestop_autographs/arnolds...[/img]

So anyway what am trying to say is its one person and only hours apart but the autographs vary so how can some one have a clue and know how to say yes I can see it is or it is not. The authenticators out there have it hard and they will screw up as this big Icons dont seat down at a convention and sign at the table.

I mean we can half tell from experience and a little examination but I have autographs of people from the last 12 years that have completely changed their autographs, So imagine some new Authenticator coming in the game now trying to authenticate an autograph that he never ever saw. I manage to also get a few dedicate items to also throw in the mix so you can see how this guys autographs vary.

Very few people have a consistant autograph rain or shine for Example James Earl Jones or Christopher Lee etc the rest is just a mindfield.

So when you buy , Please Buy from a trusted person that way you know that you dont have to worry 99% but maybe only worry 1% , Make sure the person offers a lifetime guarantee , If that person is happy to sell the item that means he believes to be real for ever so why not offer a lifetime guarantee ?

I hope I have proved a point and I hope you liked this and as I said I have the same for every cast member from Sly to Statham to Dolph and Van Damme the same examples and it shows that I have managed to obtain 4 or 5 different signatures in just a few days but could confuse the hell out of some one..

Thank You Jason Thanos

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if you dont know the seller or trust him do not buy as the person selling the item is as important as the item.

I doubt he will get many arguments on the above.   Even if you trust - verifiy.

I think what Jason was pointing out is how the signatures can vary depending on the situation while supporting the point with various signatures.  Can you imagine signing during a scooter/car chase and we say the LA chasers are crazy.  While there is a general apprecation of the variation theme (typically found in full fledged signature studies) it's always good to see some modern ones.

Might take Jason up on his other ones that he has mentioned.   Jason, thanks for porting this over to AML.

Yes DB you got my point, I would also like to say that graffers are crazy all over the world , But regardless if I chased on the Scooter after the premiere or not I still tried to ask politely or make sure none of my board go in their face , Tried not to actually stand in their way , trip em up or swear or boo if they declined.

I knew if I booed for example when I see him 3 hours down the line I am sure I wont get, This happened at 00:45 On 14th when Sly came out the Ivy restaurant there was over 50 graffers and cause he did not sign they booed him when he checked out at 08:00 to fly to NY the guard said he wont because of how the people behaved last night.

Now apart from the different variations of signatures it is also important to know there are many different type of collectors or dealers and sometimes some are bad on both sides, Both groups have desire and get desperate to gain what they seek some appproach it in a more civil manner some not , I would like to think I am the civil type I try not to go over some one try not to push etc , I know 90% of the time it is impossible to do that but I try my best as I believe Karma is a bitch. If you keep screwing people over , one day when you need something special could be the day you get screwed.

I just wanted to show people how difficult it is to know exactly what is and what is not real since a Mega A list actor does not do the usual conventions he is hounted.

And also wanted to tell the collectors when buying dont buy from 10 or 20 people just find 1 or 2 really good people , Do a lot of research on his name and his catalogue find out if he is trustworthy and if he really is who he says he is. Because I have found over the years many talk but they are not actually all that , its all just smoke. It is also good to buy from established people because if ever something turned out to be fake you could take it back and work a refund or exchange etc.

Ebayers open accounts and are shut down in 2 months and then up again, But a name that has served the industry for years at list could be approach at any given time.

Excuse my english at times or my grama it is my second Language. Jason Thanos


This was very valuable Jason.  No need to apologize for your use of grammar.  I understood every word of it.  Thank you very much for taking the time to share this and please continue to share your stories and experiences in the future.

Great thanks for spending the time to put all this down in writing.

Good to have you on this forum, Jason. 

Here is a different lookin Arnold that was posted by Mike Aring over on my thread; http://live.autographmagazine.com/forum/topics/secretarial-autograp...

Jason graffer chasing with Arnold & car windows seems to be the going approach! 


here's my Terminator poster... i've posted it in some other categories before. but there's a closer shot of the autograph on his neck. there's a paparazzi photo from several years ago of arnold signing this for me in the window of his car after following him around all day.

Hi Jason

Do you get multiple copies of the same image signed on a single occasion as looking at your website, you have multiple images signed but the signatures are placed slightly differently on the images. This is just an example: "Tom Hanks 2" where Tom Hanks was the first image etc and now you have "Tom Hanks 2" which is the same image with different signature placement. 

In no way do I doubt your integrity, that's not my point. I just wondered if you got multiple images of the same photo signed on each jaunt to find the celebrities, just curious. 

I'd love to see your stock - would be incredible.



Hi rob some times I will do that but not back to back i don't think Tom Hanks will sign 3 of the same image , But if you get one when he checks into the Claridges hotel then maybe another at ciprianis restaurant then maybe another at premiere etc then I guess you could , but A lists usually know that their autographs are sold but don't like to be treated like idiots , I have experienced many times were they won't sign 2 of same image, actually some won't even sign 2 autographs never mind same photo.
But do give you a rough idea seen Dolph Lundgren in the last 5 years close to
30 times he always signs a handful , I always go
For the same 10 or 15 images so I have multiples over the years same thing with van Damme you see he was just a DVD actor till yesterday so in Cannes every year trying to sell his films I have countless photos of him signing for me
With me even had breakfast at the martinez hotel and a boat once.

Iconic names especially 80s you have to go with classic images it's how it is .
And this days not many people like the icons on new photos , for example H ford no one wants cowboys cd aliens or the new Indy , people want star wars or the 3 first Indy s etc.

But in regards hanks 2 just means I had two hanks not same ones.
And by the way I don't want to be misunderstood I did not post this to sell arnies.
I have been an active member of Acaf for years fighting forgers I have many fans
But as many enemies only cause I have taken them down in this game jealousy is
A huge thing people love to hate it's just how it is .
But regardless since I obtain all myself I don't fear so I try to educate when I can
I don't do vintage as am only 38 and only been doing this 12 years but in current
Autographs if you guys ask people consider me one of the good guys in Europe since
I go every year to Canne , Rome , Paris , Tokyo , Pussan , Toronto all the film festivals
Obviously London as I leave in Manchester .

I like to help when I can even though it's time consuming because I am Greek orthodox
And I have strong Christian beliefs I like to think when helping others god will help me , I
Know to some this might sound weird or crazy but it's how I am sorry .

Anyway it's 23:00 here and gotta go to bed because at 4am I have to take the bus to go
To London to do the Toral Recall premiere .

But since you guys liked this I will post some other examples from the cast that I found interesting
Even myself for example it is the first time
That I have witnessed Van Damme do a signature that's short what we call a premiere
Signature , and I guess it is because this is his first time in 20 years on the big screen .

Good night Jason Thanos

great story man!!!! how many did u get from Jean Claude???...he is very good!!!

Sogier well in 6 days me and my friend who came for me we ended up with approx 40 various sizes , Van Damme has always been nice actually . But the first time I actually saw him sign short graffs as well as full ones. He actually apologised too at the premiere, He said he forgot how crazy premiers are since he has not been in 1 for nearly 15 years etc. But except last year I see him In Canne every year as he goes there to promote his B movies.

great man!!! thanx for the info!!!


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