Any idea of how to contact an ebay buyer from his/her id/or from the number of ebay stars?  


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I’ve tried several times, but have never been able to do that.

yep its difficult.  In this particular case it shouldnt have been that difficult as the seller had a mega large number of stars

Assuming the buyer paid by paypal, you can check their email adress there if you are the seller.  I assume that you are not the seller though.  If not, you can check to see if the buyer is also selling through ebay

do u have a transaction with them .did they buy from u

No, what happened was there was an item I was interested in with a buy it now price and whilst I was thinking about it it got sold.  I did email the seller and explain the situation and ask if he/she could let the buyer know I was interessted/or provide with his/her details but the seller didnt rely back.  Typing in the buyer's code name doesnt work (as ballroom pointed out) , but the buyer must have a shop or be a business seller as he/she has the most number of stars I have ever seen, - which could help me find out the identity but I am stuck for the moment at what next to do.

Nothing more u can than send a message thru Ebay. That's it


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