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They have several once upon a time cast members and a signed picture with multiple cast members.

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Any Stallone fans care to comment on the authenticity of this?


Here are some comparisons for you:

Longoria JSALongoria Outlaw

Sheffield PSA

Sheffield Outlaw

Schmidt JSA

Schmidt Outlaw

Ortiz Steiner

Ortiz Outlaw

Haven't seen any of these in Toronto (yet). Most of the garbage here is ACE/the Las Vegas stuff/random eBay junk. To be honest, most of the things listed on Craigslist in Toronto are authentic, but they're mainly just random autographs of no one big or something cheap. 

Well it looks like Canadagraphs is getting more than he bargained before. Before this is done, his business will take a major major hit. Good job guys, keep exposing this seller of bad forgeries. Nail him

yeah, good job.

So far, you have shown me circles, and compared me to another seller from here, and claimed that both of us forge autographs of a guy who invites us to go to the bar with him.

Spot on "investigating" you have done there Ryan

Yeah nothing says guilty like going into defence mode and oh yeah having one dope sign all your signatures dont help either.

Why anyone would buy something from a company with such a repulsive attitude and how un-knowledgable they are publicly about autographs is beyond me. I do like the proof shots, most scammers do love to point those out also. As if they cant be found on google lol But I have to admit this is the first time I heard "I dont take proof shots of my items". So basically the "proof shot"is a picture of the person signing something else. lol and oh yeah the signatures where clearly signed by the same person.... But ignore all that we have a picture of the celeb signing something else

The one positive is this now pops up in google search results so people can be warned of the attitude and how unknowledgeable they are. And oh yeah the shadyness of having signatures all signed by the same hand that they got "in person"...Which I think you can put 2 and 2 together,

Its funny. You guys keep saying "nothing says guilty like going into defense mode...." as if that's a fact. Guess if I said nothing but "I don't have to prove nothing" then yu'd say "typical forger, doesn't want to defend himself". You realize BOTH sides of BOTH of those statements are true of BOTH sides, forgers and real. It all depends on the personality of the person answering, and not their legitimacy.

People buy from me because 1- I'm not a prick to everyone, just stupid people who ramble on about topics they have admitted to not knowing anything about. 2- because I have a solid reputation amongst fans, the casts of several shows, and hounds, ACTUAL hounds, who actually go out in person, and don't sit at home reading about others interactions & judging them.
Glad that you like my photos. I've never known a "scammer" to spend the time actually going around proofing people. Like you said, they usually just grab generic pics off google. Are MINE generic pics? Readily available on google? No? That's what I thought. Wanna know why? I'll let you in on the secret, shhhh don't tell anyone.... I took the photos myself, that's how I get that cool original look to them that is unique to the carbon copy google image search ones others would use.
Do you even hound in person? Serious question. If you have, you would know that you need to be within arms length of a celeb to take their picture of them signing. My camera, isn't made for that type of pic taking. If I did that, I'd cut their heads off 9/10 of the time. My camera is made for photographing sets & games, not something I just shove in my coat pocket & pull out everytime someones signing for me. I have seen the "exact proof" types at work, they would never be able to do it either with my camera or set up. Any given day I have roughly 400+ photos with me wherever I;m going.  Do you think YOU could graph someone & proof them with a camera that's twice the size of your hand, and hold a binder of 400 photos without dropping or fumbling it? I dodnt buy my camera to appease YOU. It is for other uses. I'm not wasting more $ on another camera just for you. The proofs I take are good enough for the vast majority of the public & other hounds.
Both you, and the Ryans keep saying "clearly signed by the same person" yet NONE of you want to explain why you would think this.

The 1 positive is right. Like I said, my attitude is perfectly fine with reasonable people....like the 3 people in this thread who asked questions, I answered them in a civil fashion. Just as I answer customers who have a question. As for knowledge, seeing what I have seen of this thread, it is evidently clear I have more knowledge in 1 of my eyelashes than the group of you combined. You've repeatedly been asked to show me any sign of fraud, yet none of you have. Just spouted "uhh, yeah hes got a bad attitude, so his stuffs fake". & "everything is written in the same directon", despite the fact the majority of the population write in the same direction & statistically it would be logical I would be holding the item in the same manner each time I went up to them, but yeah, that's some solid "proof" you have come up with there.

Tell me, serious question. There are 33 PSAed items, from 9 different cast members on ebay right now. How do these compared to those? I'd be most amused to hear your findings......wait, that will require investigating something. I guess I shouldn't hold my breath with the lot of you doing the investigating.

Yours just failed psa quick opinion so comparing them to them to authentic ones is irrlevant and usally a first step in a scammers playbook.

Great story about the camera. They have things called cellphones with cameras on them. I guess you didnt get those up there yet. Or deflecting again. 

Now is when you say PSA gets thingthings wrong all the time.  

Just show me that screencap of this and we can discuss their legitimacy.
(before we go anywhere, I've publicly mocked PSA dozens of times over the years.... but will say they are "getting better" and yet, still admittedly, wrong occasionally).
But since you didn't even do that....yeah.

I have a blackberry, and yes with a camera. So far, outside of being able to post pics on twitter with it, its useless. I cant email them to myself (no idea why, could on my old phone), I cant post them to facebook, so what would be the point?? Also, eventually the memory would fill up (although I was pleased to notice awhile ago that my current phone has much more space than my old one did for that) and still would entail holding it with 1 hand (guess you must be 1 of those special 3 handed people I read so much about) without dropping all my stuff.....funny story about that, my buddies already joke about how many times I drop my binder WITHOUT trying to self proof stuff. Also, have you ever USED a cameraphone tot ake a pic? I have, and seen 100s of others as well, they make a sound as if they were a real camera, that annoying *click* shutter sound, as if it was a real old time camera. Not ideal for proofing.... unless your goal is to piss off the celeb/athlete at the same time & likely never get them again.

Yep. I don't know what you graph where you don't feel you need to worry about upsetting the talent, but I do. Theres at least 3 graphers I know here who are blacklisted by specific sets or cast because of things they've done to piss them off. Proofing them blatantly in their face, wont go over well. I'm gonna end up seeing these people several more times a season. I don't need them treating me the same way others get treated now.

Deflect what? You really didn't make this point very clear. Me & OH are 2 completely separate companies, run by 2 completely separate people. It wouldn't be in my best interest to supply him with items to compete against me with, would it? Since you claim we have the same supplier, wouldn't that be me? The person you claim is supplying a competitor now?

The best part is, you saw this thread.....and replied, repeatedly. What forgery sellers are you addressing? I thought this was a rambling that was directed at me. Try to focus.

So far, 3 people in this thread who clearly have proven they DONT know autographs AT ALL have spouted off repeatedly....when 1 gets in here who does, besides me, I'll hear what they have to say. You have zero idea what bounds my greed goes to. I'm the same guy who turns down free money for simply walking over & grabbing a free give away of something because I cant be bothered. Theres a reason I don't live in a million dollar mansion, I'm not that greedy.

You probably should go get some work done. Hopefully, you are more qualified at your job than you are at being a novice authenticator. 

I dont need to provide a screen cap as the person who does it for me does it as a favor through email. But if you would like I can take a photo of another PSA quick opinion and use it as proof? Cool? I mean you do it.

As for all that nonsense you posted about a cellphone. take a picture of you with the celebrity and the graph. And oh yeah blackberrys have an option to shut off that sound. But dont let facts get in the way of your deflecting. 

But how about this. Are you willing to put money where your mouth is that it will fail? I am sure you would get a few takers here. 


And for everyone else get READY here goes to the rant on PSA. I am sure they will say something like they got it at a show and walked up and it failed or they got it IP and it failed. Get ready!

Well, so far, the responses I have seen in this thread would indicate you are in the minority when it comes to letting your feelings judge whether or not someone is legit by their attitude.


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