It is my great pleasure to report the following regarding Coach's Corner.

ABC Action News Investigative Reports Philadelphia ran a blistering report on Coach's Corner Auctions on the 11PM News Nov. 20.

The culmination of an intense 3.5 month investigation, it's the fruit of the determination of Paul Wedding, a collector who lost $15,000 buying forgeries at Coach's Corner, to stop them from burning collectors once and for all.

And now, Paul Wedding:

I believe it was a few months ago I commented to the "What do you think of them," thread. Coach's Corner beat me as well as many others for a lot of money. With complete disregard for the hobby, they flood the market with counterfeit jerseys, counterfeit signatures, photos, you name it.

Collectively we all wanted to see the owners take responsibility for their actions. That has never happened. Till now.

Last week, The Coach's Corner building was bull rushed by my pal, Chad Pradelli. For those of you who do not know Chad, he is an investigative reporter with ABC news in Philadelphia. Chad and his crew beat on their doors until Lee answered it. Chad wasn't going to take any crap that Lee has been known to throw at people who question their garbage. It was beautiful!

Chad offered him the opportunity to explain himself on camera, Lee declined. The story will run this Tuesday evening, guys. From what I understand, other ABC affiliates are also picking up the story. I am also waiting for the Attorney General of Pennsylvania to assign an agent to my case. With this story running on the news, I believe that assignment is coming fast. 

Guys, this is the beginning of the end of Coach's Corner. I will continue to push every agency that will listen to me. I hope you guys (Coach's Corner) do read this. This will end with you in a Federal prison. And when you get out, you'll have lots and lots of people to pay back. What comes around goes around

Paul Wedding

Tags: abc news, coach's corner, investigative report

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Thanks Steve

Saw it

Hopefully the word spreads like wild fire and criminal charges get laid

It amounts to many millions of dollars of fraudulent items sold over the last decade. Law enforcement should take a keen interest given the staggering dollar amount.

Thank you Steve.  

Click the photo in the OP to watch the video.

Glad to see that someone has the chutzpah to expose such organizations that pollute the market with their junk. 

I really don't know much about Coach's Corner except it is bad news. If it is a consignment auction I hope the investigation goes deeper into the rabbit hole. If not, the company may get shut down but the consignors will just find another way. Like pulling a weed without getting the roots. It will just grow back.

Somehow this hobby needs to find a way to get rid of these sellers whose majority of sales are fakes. How is it they are so easy to spot yet so hard to eliminate? For instance, eBay needs to do a better job at this. They could eliminate the vast majority of fake autographs by focusing on the big players.

Good morning Fellas. Well, unfortunately the hotel I am staying in had a WiFi issue so I could not see it last night. Guys, I can promise you this is just the beginning. Chad did a great job! This appears to be a local story, but other ABC affiliates are picking the story up now that Chad's story has run. The Attorney General is well aware of this, why? Because I have filed a complaint. Filed it two weeks ago and told him this story would run. Also let me know the number of registered voters that want to see these go down outnumber those who work there. You guys are really great. Thanks for the help. This is just the beginning.

Good job. Stay on them.

That’s great Paul, keep fighting!!

Here's an idea for you, Paul. If possible, the video should be uploaded to youtube, facebook, etc.; all the social media platforms that it can be uploaded to. And then, do an internet search for autograph forums and sports memorabilia forums.

Most of the better, well-trafficked sports memorabilia forums have sections where autographs are specifically discussed, much like here, but on a smaller scale.

And then become a member and start posting, the video, and all pertaining info, as you've done here.

This will give you even more outreach to potential victims who are sitting on mounds of garbage purchased from Coach's Cel...... er, I mean, Corner (from my mouth to God's ears) lol.

You include the contact info for any and all agencies, state, or federal, that are actively investigating the case.

Of course, once push comes to shove and the investigators get serious enough to pursue CC's financial trail of all their purchases and all of their sales, they'll have the contact info for all of CC's buyers and sellers (or consignors) readily available. Once they have that, it's game over once they start analyzing what was bought with their forensics people.

You have to stress with the investigators that this is many millions of dollars worth of fraud. At least one million dollars, if not more, per year, every year they are in business. Tell them not to let the fact that a lot of it is under $1000 items, but that once a case comes to fruition, they're big game, and the total dollar amount will be staggering, even by white collar corporate standards.

Hope this helps. You've done an exceptional job and are performing a service to the entire autograph community that we are all grateful for. Keep at it.


I’ve heard that a lot of the lots offered for sale are actually owned by Coach’s Corner.


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