Hello everyone :)

I have to be honest with you and say that I wouldn't really class myself as a collector.....however...

I acquired an autograph some years ago.... and would really like opinions as to whether it is authentic?

Its 'Janis Joplin'!! The autograph is written on what look to be the back cover of an autograph book, in a 'biro' type pen. The cover is a brown vinyl wrapped cardboard page, with a textured surface. The vinyl on the cover is a little brittle, and really does smell authentic!!! if you know what I mean - like is has been in the attic for years! It came with a copy of 'Joplin - In Concert' LP and does have a certificate with it. But its the certificate that makes me question the authenticity.....

I would very much like to hear some feedback from members. I shall post copies of the signature + certificate for you to see.

Thank you :)

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I can´t comment on the autograph, know to little about that particular one. But Andrew Burriesci is no longer a UACC registered dealer. When I searched a little in another forum someone there wrote that he was expelled from UACC and arrested for fraud...

Here´s the link: http://www.tradingcardcentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5471

Sorry, that doesn´t sound to promising...

Hmmm.....you're right! that doesn't sound promising! thank you for your response though.

It doesn't look authentic to me.

Thank you for responding.

Do you have some reasoning to back up your theory! I'm not being cheeky, just genuinely interested in an informed opinion.

No problem. Janis is a bit tough, but the overall appearance of the signature doesn't look natural, nor does it compare favorably to the authentic examples that I've seen. The "a" and "p" in particular don't look right to me. 

what about the fact that it is written on a textured surface? do you think this might make it more difficult to determine? I know I would definitely find it more difficult to write on a bumpy surface!

I did think of that, but it doesn't appear as though the textured surface encumbered the writing much. I'd be interested to know Roger's opinion on this one. Hopefully he'll chime in here.

thank you so much for your input - hope to hear what Roger has to say now...!!


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