Let's play you be the authenticator. Paul McCartney.

It's a thankless job being an authenticator. They provide an important service and have become quite influential in the hobby. But sometimes their professional opinions baffle me. Most of all, their final decisions can greatly determine the market value of any given autograph. Like getting a blessing from the Pope.

Here are two examples of a Paul McCartney signature. One passed authentication and the other did not. Same company. Different result. I'm old and my eye sight is as good as it used to be. Can you see a significant different between the two signatures?

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I can't. +1 to the rest my friend.

Looking at the one on eBay. The seller has 100s of COAs. Maybe 1000s. He must be on first name terms at Becket's. No wonder it was passed. They probably passed the person and not the autograph. He doesn't provide any other proof and no returns. 

RR auction

Thanks, Mikex. I appreciate your extra effort. It could be a coin flip after all and instead of heads mine can up tails. 

It seems to be more than a coin flip considering that they apparently found what they believe to be seven different issues with the signature. It isn’t a form letter per se. I believe the issues listed are specific to the signature on the ticket, in their opinion.

I was joking when it comes to the coin flip. Leaves only three possible scenarios.

  1. The source is mistaken which is not likely, IMHO.
  2. Paul was totally off when he signed the ticket.
  3. The authentication is off target.

Interesting topic for sure. 

Hi Joe-  One of the difficulties with this discussion is that as members who have been debating this we do not have all of the helpful information to help form a consensus.  We do not know who your seller of the ticket is.  Some members might have experiences either good or not so good with that source.  

I'm not trying to be intrusive here or get into your business so please do not take it as that.  It's just that a piece of the puzzle is missing for us regarding the ticket.  Also, I notice that you do not reveal the price you paid.  Fair enough.  But if I buy say a James Dean from a dealer for $20, then that might be a red flag.

Maybe there is a larger question for a blog:  Is it ethical to reveal sources of autographs on this board?  Part of me says no...we may end up piling on a particular seller.  However, again in the case of the Beckett encapsulated piece, a link was given on eBay and we all now have that information if we click on the link.  We simply have with the Beckett an important piece of data to give a more informed and contextualized opinion on it.

The seller revealed himself earlier in the thread.

The source actually revealed himself in this board. Read through it. 

My apologies....I lost that somehow in these last couple of days of responses and the continued use of a general term: "the source."  

So, I guess the discussion really is in a sense over as your seller has identified himself, given provenance and fully stands behind his autograph. That's a good thing and is very helpful and for you as a collector is a slam dunk. Congrats!  That's more info. and provenance than many of us have with our most cherished autographs. We could go down the road of random members doubting which is definitely not a good thing on a public board, IMHO.

Besides, the main thing is you are happy with the autograph and this discussion has wandered into a debate about something that you are happy with to begin with.

Let me be clear. I started this discussion because of the similarity of the two signatures. No, there are differences but similar. I am not on the fence with my signed ticket. I'm am completely pleased with it. Would it be nice if I am able to get it authenticated; of course. But it will be mine regardless.

Just trying to reason in my mind if Paul signed it there should a way to authenticate it.

Just enjoy it Joe. If you are happy with it, leave it at that. It's a waste of time and money getting a rushed Autograph authenticated. You are overestimating the capabilities of authentication companies.


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