I'd hurry on this one - pretty hot name right now.


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Holy cow, I didn't even realize that - but she did.

mistake with the first shipment. Working on sending out new vinyls via her Instagram 

She must have deleted it because I don't see that on her Instagram stories

Well the tweet was a couple days ago, so maybe it's since expired on her stories.


Yes caught it yesterday on her Instagram stories so is expired by now

Well, that's pretty amazing they caught it and are fixing it proactively!

Gerald is her manager.

Oh, thank goodness they're trying to make things right. I was about to cancel my order! 

Mine was pretty obvious. When she hit the paranoia sticker the marker caught it and there is a straight line for a bit in the sig. Really hope they actually do send out replacements. Kind of useless this way.

I still have my Stone Temple Pilots Tiny Music CD I bought at their concert 10/20 years ago. They signed the jewel case on it. Has always bugged me and is now in my 'to be put on Ebay' box.

Weird when people do that. I think the only CD I ever had signed on the case was The 1975 - they did it for their merch table signed CDs on their 2014 tour.

Did they ever send you a replacement?

Not yet. The email on March 31 said signed sleeves would be going out in 4-6 weeks. So, hopefully, soon.

Just got an email - they have the replacement sleeves and Maggie is signing them. Should be shipped by the end of the week.



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