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Here is a "Banana Mantle" on a card listed by eBay seller bigbebo334

eBay seller bigbebo334 says this was "signed by Mickey Mantle himself" and that he "doesn't sell junk". Unfortunately, neither of these are true. 

Luckily, not even the wannabe autograph collectors will spend $500 on this piece of crap card. (These ridiculously high prices prove immediately these sellers know nothing about autographs.)


Tags: bigbebo334

Views: 2246

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Holy crap, Ryan!!!

Another hideous Mickey Mantle forgery found on Ebay!!!

What a surprise!!!

Dear perch712,
Yes it is Ryan. Of course I know who you are. I don't know who Christopher is, but I don't appreciate you calling me a FORGER & A LIAR on autographmagazine.com My card was signed in 1992 for my father at a yankee picnic in tampa fl. It is real! And it's none of your or your cronie friends to badmouth or stop people from buying other peoples stuff. Nuff said? Next time I will report you to E-Bay and any other entity that will stop you from this harassment.

- bigbebo334


This is a well known, and hideous forgery that is not even CLOSE to the real deal. This card may have been signed for your Father in 1992 at a picnic, but not by The Mick. This is not "harassment", if you are allowed to post forgeries on eBay with blatant lies, then I am allowed to point it out on an Autograph Site to potentially save moron buyers from getting ripped off by YOU (bigbebo334).

Please do report me to eBay, as I most definitely will keep reporting your horrific forgeries, ensuring they are removed. =)

Here are some AUTHENTIC examples of your card, if you can't see the difference you are blind:

Well in your scan if those aren't banana"s  than I am truly a monkes uncle.

Now I will get on the phone to e_bay and straighten this and you out!

have a great day

eBay seller bigbebo334

For more info on Mantle forgeries, and examples of your "Banana Mantle" forgery you are trying to sell, visit my discussion:


The funny thing, is even eBay knows this horrific forgery style and will continue to pull it. 


Unfortunately, your Mickey Mantle is a well-known forgery style. If your father got it at a picnic Mickey Mantle was at, the forger was there. Or perhaps your dad told a little story about it and actually bought it from a card shop. People have done that many times to excite kids. That forgery style has been around for a long time...maybe even since '92. If that's what happened, I'm sorry we burst your bubble, but Ryan and Chris are right that it's bad.

It seems as though you are wrong.

looks like the MIC. went outside the red boarder.

Must not have had his glasses on.

here is another example of an authentic Mantle on a 1991 card.

why don't you pull these items off also?

  • Me

    140997024022Item number:

  • why don't you pull these items off also?

    • Me

      140997024022Item number:

    • 231001464787
      Item number:
    • and if my autograph is fake, so is this.
    • 261241140972
      Item number:
    • and this
    • 190866106142
      Item number:
    • check them out. Some are certified and some are not.
    • are you an LICENCED authenticator?
    • If not, dtop trying to BE one.


I meant to say stop tring to be one





The truth will be known!!!! Post the results ASAP so we can all laugh.


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