Hello all! I am hoping you may be able to help figure out if the Michael Jackson signed photo we have is authentic or not. 

We recently purchased a home that we are planning on flipping. The woman who had lived in it for years was a hoarder and collector. The basement of the home was packed floor to ceiling with boxes, furniture, paintings.. today we opened a box that was filled with envelopes addressed to her. Lo and behold she collected celebrity autographs.  We have 77 total different autographs (mostly old Hollywood - James Stewart, Elizabeth Taylor, Bette Davis, Clint Eastwood - honestly SO many) and most are personally addressed to the woman who owned the home before us, Mary.  The one we are most interested in is the attached allegedly signed by Michael Jackson. 

we have ZERO idea about any of this stuff, but figured I would throw it on here as you all seem extremely knowledgeable!! 

Any help is greatly appreciated

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Can someone help Kelsey out?

Kelsey, you may need to provide a larger sized pic so people can get a better look at the signature. Thanks!

Alot of good traits here. I say real.

Thanks for the updated pic.

Fake imo

She also kept the letter she wrote him in 1989, I will attach it! 

Interesting that the letter is dated 1989 but photo is dated 1998. He either took nine years to respond or it’s a mistake (on letter or photo) 

It was an affectation that he started doing briefly sometime in the late 80s. There is a faux graph in his 1989 Moonwalker book with the 1998 flair. Not a mistake or proof of duplicity. It is rather rare to see it in “live” form and I do believe this signature to be real. 


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