On December 2, Julien's Auctions is selling The Collection of Tompkins and Bush. The collection contains 465 lots of Michael Jackson memorabilia, 287 of them autographed.

Michael Bush and the late Dennis Tompkins were Michael Jackson's costume designers for 25 years, during Jackson's most successful period. They were the consignors of the signed Thriller jacket that Julien's sold for $1,800,000 in June 2011.

Almost all of the autographs in the Tompkins and Bush sale are a variation I'm not familiar with. I've only been looking at Jackson's autograph for a few years, though, and we have members here who have collected him for decades, so I'd appreciate your input and exemplars.

If you know Michael Jackson's autograph well, please look at a few images below from the auction and let me know what you think. Even better, browse the auction and upload any similar examples you have: http://www.julienslive.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/77/

Julien's is the world's premier auction house for Michael Jackson memorabilia, so they would know his autograph better than most of us. I'm just surprised I haven't seen this style before.

Thanks for your help.

Tags: 2012, Julien's, auction, michael jackson, tompkins and bush

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Yes. Someone posted it a few replies ago.

haha oops.. sorry the redundant post.

At what point is (Darren) Julien's Auction in breach of their stated (in writing) Terms of Auction by way of their continual "ignoring" non-communication of their customers attempts at "binding arbitration"?  
Steve, I know you expressed confidence in Judicial Arbitration and Mediation services, inc. (“JAMs”).  I'm still sceptical of this entity..  But mostly I'm incensed about consumers (particularly US consumers) being denied their legal right to pursue justice in US court.

Having said that however, at what point should customers STOP being ignored and start contacting "JAWS"?  ....imo, Lawyers need be consulted about class action suit, at this point.  Though I am NOT advising anyone to do so here.

The beauty of the JAMS arbitration clause in Julien's terms of sale is that you don't need a class action lawsuit. That's because their contract specifies that the loser pays legal fees and costs. One art law law firm could handle everyone who wanted to use them. And I think there is a good chance you could find one to take the cases on some sort of contingency basis, since each case will be basically the same. That's hard to find on inexpensive cases.

Class action lawsuits are usually only good for the lawyers.

Great points about the legal fees, and about class action suits really only benefiting lawyers.  I read you loud and clear.

btw, I meant JAMS, not JAWS in my last comment.... although at this point a man eating shark might not be a totally unwelcome resource.



So true and sadly, funny!

Ha...I agree.

Attachments: No photo uploads here

Authentic Michael Jackson signatures.

Thank you for sharing, John.  I love the Black Or White signed photo ... Beautiful MJ <3


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