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Here's another hideous and putrid Mickey Mantle forgery found on Ebay.

This horrific Mickey Mantle forgery is listed by Ebay seller Riteaudiocables.

Ebay seller Riteaudiocables is asking only $500.00 for this piece-of-crap Mantle forgery.


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Mister Bigstuff,

Yes, signatures vary, but there are certain characteristics that will not. This is an obvious forgery, not even close to the real thing. Anybody who has studied The Mick's signature would be able to tell in 2 seconds it's an ugly forgery.

We "police" the autograph field to try and warn innocent buyers before they spend their hard earned money on an ugly forgery. Also, because this JUNK devalues our authentic pieces. 

that is EXACTLY the point, signatures vary.  these forgeries do not, they are all the same.

Wouldn't you say that this area of memorabilia is already too tainted, and not even worth policing? There's thousands of fake autographs on eBay, sitting in pawn shops and whatnot. The value of your real or fake autograph is the same, so what's the point? 

If comparing to "police":

There are thousands of criminals in jail, crooks on the streets, and future crooks in the making, but do the police just all quit and say "What's the point?"

If I can help one person avoid spending $300 on a forgery, I will. Some kid saving up and spending all their money on a "Jeter" autograph thinking it was signed by their idol, when in fact it was signed by some crook makes me sick.

That's exactly why I'm currently out of this trade. I'm done collecting autographs and probably never will again. You just simply don't have a 100% without-a-doubt genuinely real autograph signed by whoever unless you literally got it autographed in person. It's all say-so. 

That's why I mostly collect Mantle/Mattingly, because I can tell 100% whether it is real or not. 

I was burned a few times before I started doing my research by reading boards such as this one. An experienced and knowledgeable collector can spot a fake a mile away.

Ditto, Ryan.

Even saving just a few people from wasting their money is better than doing nothing at all.

absolutely....its just a never ending battle...

Mister Bigstuff, who would you consider a "professional?"

Why do we feel the need to police the autograph field?

I'll tell you why I do it; I am sick and tired of the scammers and people who know ZERO about autographs selling forgeries and devaluing the autograph collections of those collections who own authentic autograph collections.  We are sick and tired of it!!!!

Do you study autographs Mister Bigstuff?   The above Mantle is an obvious forgery.  Forgeries are meant to give the appearance of looking authentic to those who know nothing about autographs.

I'm sure I gonna get hammered for posting this but I’m a new guy here and I’ve noticed a couple of things and would like the opportunity to ask about.  I’m not attempting to step on anyone’s toes.  I’d just like to inquirer on the following and have my questions answered in a civil manner:

1) Why is it that when pointing out that the poster of this thread believes he found an unauthentic autograph words like “hideous and putrid” have to be used to point out his observations?  Why not just state “I believe this item is not authentic.”
2) What people are classified as “professional” on this board?  What do they do for a living that makes them “professional” unauthentic autograph detectors?  I’m not asking about Mr. Epperson.  Googling him allows me the opportunity to see what his qualifications are in the industry and I have noted that he doesn’t seem to start threads like this one.  So, what is everyone’s qualifications and where are they posted for me to review?  Does collecting over a period of time make you a “professional”, does being recognized by a court make you a “professional”, working for JSA/PSA/GA, Inc./P.A.A.S. make you a “professional” or is it something else? That way I can make an informed decision on the validity of the opinions expressed in these threads.  Again, where do I find that information?
3) Does eBay review this website and pull items because threads are started stating that the item in question is not authentic in the “professional” opinions expressed in these threads?
4) Have any of these threads ever been proven to be incorrect?  Was an apology issued?

5) In this thread what is wrong with Mickey Mantle's signature in this example?  I'm new and have no idea what to look for in either a authentic or unauthentic example of his signature.  I'd really like to know so I don't make a mistake and buy something I should not have purchased.

I may have more questions based upon the answers to the above.

Thanks for answering the above.

Anybody can develop a website and create qualifications. Folks do this on resumes all the time. does charging money for an opinion make you a professional? The worst authenticators charge money and are actually worse then an advanced collector with years of experience. Guess it all depends on who you trust the most. Everyone varies on that.


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