I am interested in buying from this seller but not sure all of his stuff is legit. He has some big name autographs for under 100 dollars which makes me question.

The seller is iconic_ink_memorabilia. They have a poor website and an Instagram account but the Instagram account has one image which makes me question.

Attached is the item I'm interested.

Thoughts on authenticity?

Thanks for your time!


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Please post a link to the listing so members can review listings in their eBay account.

Atypical.  The heart is a mess, which may indicate a sloppy in-person autograph signed on the street.  It is unlikely that she would roll with that particular color Sharpie.  You should also know that Brie Larson has recently become a very difficult signer.  Best of luck, Trevor.

Don’t know her signature cause she’s been a bad signer since before she was announced to play capt marvel, I personally didn’t go after her but I did hear stories about how she ignored autograph attempts during promotional tour and premieres, so add that up 

tough signer + kinda inexpensive items  I would lean on the safer side of caution


I agree which makes me skeptical.  I would love to get my hands on one of her signed items but then again for how rare she signs, I would think they would charge a pretty penny.

Here is a link to the eBay seller's eBay account to compare with their other listings.


Thanks again for all of your input!

The Indiana Jones and Star Wars items concern me.  Buyer beware.

did see this site before and think there is a group of people who make these autographs and have sellers also in the uk.'' how do they do it?''  the autographs on their sites do come close to originals and i'am stil searching and wil find out how it works...saw 2 signed photo's of both robert de niro and al pacino and for a few dollars?  when it's to good to be thrue than run as fast as youn can. 

A few of the items that I looked at contain some typical characteristics.  They may even pass a TPA.  The others are clearly atypical.

Multiple Harrison Ford including a dual signed 8x10 with Sean Connery for $75 Buy It Now  or Best Offer says a lot.

Sean Connery seems to have forgotten how to spell his name on that particular day.

Sounds good!  

Thanks everyone for your input. I will steer clear of this seller. A lot of big name autographs for a very inexpensive price. It set off a lot of red flags but thanks everyone for solidifying my suspicion.


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