
I'm new to the forum and am looking for a Stevie Nicks autograph....big fan and Christmas is coming up.

I'm looking at these pieces on ebay. Any opinion would be much appreciated.

As well, anyone interested in parting with something from their Stevie Nicks collection? Thanks in advance

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These are both forgeries.  Stevie is a very tough autograph -- signed photos usually run 300-600 if you can find them. 90% of the ones on eBay are fakes. 

Thanks for the advice…. Where can I get a real one? Any reputable dealers you can recommend? It would make my wife’s Christmas if I can get one. Thanks 

Hi, I totally agree with Bruce.  eBay has about 95 % forgeries. 


We're introducing Wanted and For Sale groups tonight. You can ask there and members who have one for sale or know of where one is can post it or links. You'll still need to make sure it's real but you can get opinions from members like you are now.

When it comes to modern music and Hollywood it's safer to buy ones certified by music specialist authenticator REAL, or PSA/DNA, JSA, BAS or ACOA.

I also have the 1975 LP signed by Mick and John as well as the Lindsey/Christine LP they sold at the show.

Isn’t this a secretarial signature?

I believe so, Ballroom. 

90% of the time, Stevie personalizes along with her signature as well.

Personalization may have been removed. There is a name written on the back of the photo perhaps to indicate who to make it out to. 

The one signed in gold appears to have been signed by Stevie's Personal Assistant. I believe her name was Ginny Kamano. She signed the vast majority of Stevie's autograph requests.

Here is one I owned and later found out was secretarial. This discussion may help.



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