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Google it if you do not know what it is.

I want the definition you are using. Google will say it has no basis in science at all.

But OK:

"...Graphology is the analysis of handwriting with attempt to determine someone's personality traits. No scientific evidence exists to support graphology, and it is generally considered a pseudoscience or scientifically questionable practice..."

"... Although supporters point to the anecdotal evidence of positive testimonials as a reason to use it for personality evaluation, empirical studies fail to show the validity claimed by its supporters. It has also been rated by mental health professionals as one of the top five most discredited psychological tests..."

Why has this become a discussion about language? It's obvious he meant forensic handwriting analysis. We were discussing the authenticity of the graph, not Sir Patrick's personality.


Why are you participating in a discussion in a forum that you don't have any interest in? Just to try to make yourself look smarter than someone else?

Please stop.


I have interest in Stewart and Shatner, having had both sign for me IP, and was reading this thread as I saw someone question these sigs, and then I asked an honest question which went unanswered. I have commented on both signatures in previous threads. I have no agenda here. I am not the only one to question the use of that term as the post below shows.

Actually, I do have an agenda. Helping people.

Dan, you must have missed the /s for sarcasm.  These look to be good. I'll be happy when I get my 2 copies in hand.

Also concur with Eric that you are using graphology incorrectly. We're not trying to figure out if Sir Patrick liked his dad or not from the autograph, rather if it is credible to assume that he signed it

I didn't get that either tbh. I thought you were still talking about the graph (the t connected with the s).

Ah, I can see that.  apologies.  I'd go back and edit but it is too late.  Like I said 30 minutes ago, these look to be good for now and I cannot wait to get my 2 copies in hand.  First to look them over and second I'll be pleased to have Sir Patrick in my PC.  Especially since it looks like he took some pride in signing these.

I also was confused by the use of "graphology".

Fakes? I honestly don't know why people are never happy. You'll be looking into it way too much.


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