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Garry King is well liked by some but I see a big problem with some of the items I see on his site.  I'm not referring to Kenny Baker and other small bits but rather the large $$ music items.

Dealers in the UK might not be aware of current music item that they offer for sale.  In another thread several autographs from Autografica were deemed fake.  The items were Clint Eastwood, Charlton Heston and Harrison Ford.

He might not know there is a problem. 

Tags: Charlton, Clint, Eastwood, Ford, Garry, Harrison, Heath, King, Ledger, Philippe, More…Ryan, heston

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Hi Ken

Thanks for the update, you have revealed quite a lot there that the forum never knew, and from what I gather after speaking to 2 AFTAL members recently there are events / happenings that most of the membership know nothing about.

I have made my statements,and I dont think Im being unfair.

 As for wanting a statement from AFTAL, I dont think thats unfair ?

Ken come on...... the way they have handled this is terrible. Accusations of items being fake being distributed by AFTAL members and tales of members of the board distributing items under False statements / COAs etc.

Not one of the board has even advised the membership of any of this . All these problems have been dealt by hearsay.

Only 2 people have had the decency to state anything about these problems, Jason Thanos and yourself. Which you know I admire the both of you for doing so.

Regarding my work situation, Ken I was made redundant late September and not found work yet. So I have kept myself busy doing other things including monitoring this thread, whether or not your full time or part time.... Authenticity matters. Its Paramount in this hobby

AFTAL have done lots of good things Im sure but some of the problems raised here are from within AFTAL, how does it look if they cant sort their own problem out themselves ?

Ken I liked the comment about myself putting up for election to the Board of AFTAL, I would love to get in there and make this good. But Im not a member of AFTAL and I will not pay £100 to join to do so.

If they want to wave my first years membership I will enrol and help fight the fight from my perspective.

There are other AFTAL members Im sure would be just as good within the membership

Ken, I dont know about your statement regarding Authenticity from a court of law. Who would be Authenicating ? If a UK expert who would this be ?

A US expert obviously would be Roger Epperson or similar

At the end of the day, there has been speculation regarding the Authenticity of Jackson and McCartney items from 2006 and this should be advised to purchasers of said items from these Artists



          Have no fear - if you were elected onto the Board you wouldn't be expected to pay a membership fee and so don't let that put you off. My point was that you can't expect a non existent AFTAL to give you answers. Believe me I had no intentions of ever being on the Board and would quite happily have walked away from them over their handling of recent events but I firmly believe that the team Garry King has put together can make a difference. From my perspective I would rather have you and what you can contribute on the inside.


Thanks for the further update and Official statement from AFTAL,

Regarding the steering commitee of Garry King, Richard Bristow, Andy Hemington, Mark Honeyball, Bob McCluskey, Ken Mills and Jason Thanos, I dont know 3 of them personally but sounds good.

I must state that Garry King and yourself are involved in this personally with reference to the Jacksons and McCartneys that have been questioned for Authenticity, so I ask will this speed up finally resolving the questions raised ?

I would love to be involved with this Ken, so perhaps after the 6 months please advise if you would like my help / assistance towards working to the future and the good name of AFTAL

Thanks once again for the update


          All matters concerning the Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney autographs will be discussed as a priority at the first meeting. Having not seen the legal statements personally I can't comment but what little I know does sound very contentious and not everyone will like the outcome but you will get the facts from me and not heresay. As I have already stated though we have to make time asap to get our act together so would ask all interested parties to remain patient for just a little while longer. There will be no cover ups with this committee and we will not shy away from any difficult subject matter.


no problems and good luck


I really appreciate the quality of your communication with us. It helps a lot.

I think that what would help take pressure off the situation, and help AFTAL's relationship with the collecting community and it's critics, is if AFTAL can let collectors know that it has changed its position on the MJs, and no longer thinks they are genuine. Adrian's statement and all the details don't have to be tied up with a bow at this time.

If you can't right now, you can't. But if you can, I think it will help AFTAL quite a bit.

Except with Gary. :)


From what I read from Ken's statement previous is that AFTAL may not agree that the Jacksons are fake

So I really dont know if that kind of statement will be forthcoming

As I said previously Im leaving this now till the New Year, as Ken has promised us all updates when they have put a plan to move forward

Did I miss something in one of the comments here recently ?


From the lines I've been able to read between, I think it's likely that AFTAL has decided that Adrian's Michael Jacksons are not real. At least those that look like the ones we're concerned about.

But who knows? More twists and turns may be in store for us after we return from the holidays.

Let's give the new AFTAL management a chance and a break. I think they could use a little relief from the stress of all this, and deserve as relaxing a holiday as they can have. We all want to make sure proper statements and procedures come out to help fans and collectors who have purchased forged MJs, etc., but if they take until January or so, so be it. I'd be surprised if some of the dealers have not already contacted their customers to offer refunds on the MJs at least.


perhaps you never read my replies on the forum ? I stated on 2 ocasions I was letting AFTAL get on with the new dawn. I also wished Ken and the interim board my best wishes



I was kidding...I know you well enough to know you want AFTAL to come through this better than ever. Even though your good wishes came thru while I was typing my reply.


Thanks for that, and the update. I will leave it alone whilst you all get to your feet with this

A lot to work thru and resolve etc

As I said if you want me on board please ask and the offer of membership fee is a winner ! lol

Especially as Im un employed !

I have a interview for work tomorrow so we will see about employment.

Garry is a good guy to have on board for what could be a really good AFTAL




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