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Not sure why you pointed it out, not really buying for the poster and it’s for charity?! 

It does seem a rather odd thing to say on an autograph forum  :D 

I was looking into the permanence of the materials used. You are right, an odd thing to post in an Autograph Forum.

I pointed it out because I happened upon the information while looking for the composition of the paper (foil) and thought it  unusual/interesting. I was able to get some additional information which I posted.  I have some vague idea it is a charity, yes...

I moved the one from Town Square to this forum.

if anyone wants to sell the Plant and Vedder print pm me

I never received an email notification!!! :(

Is anyone else having this issue?

Check you junk mail?

Mine came from Music Glue.

Sorry, I should've clarified, I didn't get the forum notification.

It has been really bad for me the past month+. I stopped getting 95% of the notification emails from here to my gmail, so I switched this over to a yahoo account and it has been much better.

Mine keep going to junk mail so don’t get any notifications which is really annoying because I have to keep checking it and still miss a lot of the good stuff. Does anyone have a solution to this?🙏🏻

I would think you'd be able to flag the sender as not spam, but depends on your email provider/client. I'm just not receiving them at all to my Gmail account. But yahoo works fine. I wish I wasn't using yahoo though. I tested with a couple different new accounts on this site and numerous email addresses. I know that Gmail changed their requirements for senders of mass emails in February to combat spam so I assume my issues are related to that. Not sure on anyone else not using Gmail accounts though. The email alerts are an absolute fantastic feature that I don't see anywhere else. I really hope we get them straightened out.


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