Should I buy or not? Help!

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I would not buy it. it is probably an autopen signature. very shaky.
It's an Autopen signature. This pattern can be found as the second signature in the first column at as signed on one line "Ronald Reagan" - not "Ronald" on one line and "Reagan" on the next line. It would appear that when the state employee operating the Autopen machine realized that the signature was going to be too close to the California state seal, the paper was moved.  The "Ronald" and the "Reagan" superimpose exactly on the Autopen "Ronald Reagan" pattern illustrated in Stephen Beck's Autopen Library (above link).


Do you have time to work on putting together a list of presidential online Autopen, secretarial and preprint resources? Or at least a list of what you have?



Stephen Beck's Autopen Library displays Autopens from Eisenhower to G. W. Bush and Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts at - not all Autopen patterns of these Presidents and astronauts, but many of them.


Thank you, Herman!
That is interesting. There must be other examples of this two line auto pen.
Thanks everyone!
There are several that are not on this site, like the recently discovered "Dutch" signatures. The site is a great reference though.
Hello. I, too, found a letter typed on White House stationary with the signature of Ronald Reagan. The stationary is not white, it's somewhat beige. This letter served as the Foreword to a booklet. But I can't tell if it is auto-pen or real. The only auto-pen signature that looks close is on that geocities link mentioned by Herman; it kind of looks like the RR on the right column, second row. Anyone know for sure? I just want to sell it to a "good home" but don't want to waste money for authentication process if it's going to come back as auto-pen. I attached a file -- hope it comes up. Thanks for your help. Mac
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You're right, Mac. It's the pattern illustrated in the right column, second row. Signatures signed with the same Autopen pattern do not have to be identical. Sometimes, ink fills up openings in signatures like the "a" in "Ronald " and the "a" in "Reagan." It depends on the pen used. Sometimes the pen is not tightly clamped, and the signature seems a little longer in parts. But the individual letters are formed similarly and many times sections of signatures of the same pattern superimpose. Have you seen the University Archives video "Authenticating Ronald Reagan"  Your Autopen signature is in the video as well as the new recently discovered "Dutch" Auopen signatures mentioned by John above.
My gosh -- I am very impressed with your knowledge and willingness to share it! Many thanks for saving me some (and maybe another collector) some embarassment. I'm so glad I found this site! Best Regards, Mac


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