Signed Led Zeppelin albums on UK Antiques Roadshow - totally undervalued if real. Also something for Eric.

Here is a link to an AR episode from the UK with some interesting items.

Probably of most interest to AL members are the signed Zeppelin LPs at approx. 35 mins. Keep watching to the valuation - a ridiculous £500 a piece. I assume these are real - any views?

There are also some nice UK political/military autographs at ca. 26 mins.

Eric would no doubt be interested in the Mauretania plan at ca. 17 mins - lovely looking thing but huge.

Happy viewing!

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Well spotted - they look genuine to me and probably the best set of signatures on albums I have seen.

As for the valuations, we all know what genuine Zep's sell for so the evaluater was woefully wide of the real mark...£500 per album hahaha

Thanks for the pics Mark. I’m not exactly Mr. High Tech.

I only hope the guy doesn’t go to some local dealer & sell the four for £1,500!

I know! Here's hoping, I think his autograph book must be worth a fortune too...

Are these for sale in an auction??


In the UK we have a very long running programme based on people bringing in antiques and generally anything old for a valuation. The guy who brought this signed memorabilia into the show used to work at Newcastle City Hall in security and had backstage access in the 70's.

He took the signed items in to be valued and the idiot appraiser put a price of about £500 per LP (they would sell for £5000 plus at a large auction house). The owner was pleased but clearly he needs to get them properly valued by an expert first.

He didn't say if he was going to sell them on the programme which was broadcast last Sunday.

going off tangent somewhat, their prices for vintage jewellery is often ridiculously low as well

Ha - exactly, they play it safe by going very low end on vintage jewellery - you can tell when its going to be high because they do a really long build up..

i have seen bargain hunt being filmed ,- that was a  big disappointment, the contestants are told what to  pick and buy so its all a bit contrived to put it mildly

What I really hate Michelle are the pathetic "profits" they make on Bargain Hunt and the dreadful auction houses they go to to try and flog the tat - what a waste of license fee money - god, I am sounding old...

what is  also dishonest is  that they always manage to find auction houses with minimal commission

Hi Eva, thanks - it was very interesting. I could not see very clearly but the plans show the Veranda Cafe and that was mostly enclosed by 1908 so very early plans. The print is of a painting by Hemy - the original was some 12 or 15 feet wide and was removed from the decommissioned QE2 and placed in the Discovery Museum as I recall - I know the curator and remember the hullabaloo about it. The man giving the appraisal seems familiar to me and he is correct - there are parts of that ship all over - even here in the USA ;)


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