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Found the peyton with a COA from Sports Connextion. ANyone have an opinion on them?


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Doing a lot of fishing at all the lakes around Los Angeles (or wherever in CA), are you?

Donald Gregerson = Tom Palanco or his business partner. Case closed. He proved to the world in this thread what kind of business he is running. Boy did the lies run thick. And some still going. But as others have mentioned, at this point, the stigma is already attached, and for very good reason

@ Carl Ryan-

Donald Gregerson = Tom Palanco or his business partner. Case closed. He proved to the world in this thread what kind of business he is running. Boy did the lies run thick. And some still going. But as others have mentioned, at this point, the stigma is already attached, and for very good reason

I think you mean "David Pearson"...not me.  David Pearson is the person who is also Tom Pollaco (whatever).  My only comment on this thread is that it's plainly obvious that "David Pearson" is the Sports Connextion guy.

You guys are so wrong and you don't even see it. So if anyone comes on here and talks about Tom then they apart of toms team? Really? Oh, yes i went fishing and had a great time. So now its not right to go fishing? You guys are totally pathetic. I printed out all of the responses here and i had to show them to some friends and they all started laughing at how crazy pathetic this whole conversation is. Most people on here are ready to accuse anyone who responds that they are Tom! Nothing but a bunch of losers who don't obviously have a life. The whole is i can back up who i am. Like i said before chances are very few people on here are not who they say they are and are using a totally different name than who they really are. I've already tried to look a couple of you up and blank!! Just simply a bunch of losers who don't have a family to go home to or is simply jobless and bored out their butts and just causing drama. Yeah, i like that. To all the guys on here who just loves to cause drama, i will just call you Mrs. Drama Queen 1 or 2 or 3.. Yep that your name now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA CRAZY!!

If two people come out of nowhere on this forum and then use his same random PSA stories, poor writing skills, inability to form a series of coherent thoughts, constant failure to directly address questions and concerns, wild stream of consciousness style, tendency to lie when your lies are easily proven by your own previous postings, frequent use of middle school level insults, identical reasons for joining the thread, same accusations of us "just wanting to store up trouble," etc, etc etc . . . then, yeah, there's a decent chance that they're the same person. 

First David/Tom I learned long ago when someone posts all that nonsense and ends it with HAHAHAH that they are covering up that something that is really bothering them. So its good to know the people here have really angered you or your guy friend... But tom already has shown he is a liar so I am sure you are one in the same. 

But as for drama queens. Are we the ones signing up to a website to defend a guy we "dont" know who is selling obvious forgeries? And we are the queens?

Maybe next time you have one of these brilliant ideas Tom you dont sign up with your real name first. But lets play your game for a second and pretend you are not tom, so you just decided to swoop and and defend this guy at random? WHy not one of the other call out topics? Why this website? Why the SAME EXACT STORY as your guy friend? Make sure you keep ignoring the direct questions like Tom did. Its not obvious. And oh yeah you know who hated paragraphs? Tom. You can call me drama queen as long as in google results your name and worthless coa will be associated with being a liars and selling forged autographs.  Deal. 

Want me to spell this out, so even you can understand?

1) David/Tom:  Both NEVER posted before posting on this thread.

2) Both entered the thread with the exact same bogus "voice of reason" stance.

3) Both made accusations of slander (and both made misuse of the word "slander."

4) Both refuse to address valid questions and concerns about the autographs and make vague declarations about how they compare favorably to items with more legitimate authentication.

5) Both went on random rants about how flawed PSA was (when it had nothing to do with the topic), using the same story.

6) Both resort to similar juvenile name calling instead of actually directly addressing the topic at hand.

7) Both drastically change their premise and reasoning from post to post, sometimes entence to sentence.  Both switch topic mid-paragraph and trail off on anecdotes that completely derail their point.


I could go on, and I'm sure other could add to this list, but why bother?  You've been exposed for what you are again and again and again and again on this site, yet you're still dismissive of the wealth of evidence against you and have have nothing left to fall on except hurling insults amidst your insanity-laden posts.

Lol, im sorry Donald Gregerson. You are correct. I had David Pearson on my mind. Sorry to confuse you with..........ughhhh........David/Tom

David Pearson, yesterday when I posted the quote:  It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.   I did so thinking you would take the hint.

I had this info yesterday and was not going to use it unless you continued.  One of the perks of being a moderator of this site is to see the IP of those signing in.  David Pearson this is your IP#. 

You done, Tom/David?  Or do you want to keep digging?

My guess is the latter.


And the guy who THINKS he is smarter than everyone in fact fails again. 

And so we have an end here. As you can see the guy who is authenticating for this company in fact cant tell a forgery and does not know how the internet works. I can not wait to see tom polacco's super great website while selling 187 forged Mantle signatures with COAS from this garbage company lol

So long Tom. And you dont have to apologize we knew we were right from the start. 

I should also let David know, that of course, his posts have all been screen captured, so he might as well just leave them put.  I'll re-post them if he removes them. 


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