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Hi there, I agree a good idea, like I say these will be a present but still important to get them properly checked out. Thank you again for your feedback.

Hi Jane,

The issue is that Chris and other members are convinced that you are someone who has been banned from the site. You're from the same area, you write the same way, and you're asking about the same kinds of autographs he did. He has signed up under a false name before.

We can put this to rest pretty easily, though. Just send me your phone number via private message and we'll schedule a call to talk on the phone. That will clear things up,



Can we get rid of the trolls...and get back to Beatles autographs? I see this on more and more sites!!! 


We get rid of them as soon as we can.
You sure do Steve you get rid of the Bernies and Chad Baldwins etc, I know there annoying but its worth persevering on the forum untill they dissappear. No point crying over it. It's the Internet.

best to just not post on their discussions, Beatleworld.

You'll all be shocked, but Jane Fab Four was the member formerly known as Paul Jones in drag.

He just PMed me and said he set it up because I didn't reply to his emails after I suspended him (I usually don't, because most don't take "no reinstatement" for an answer). 

Jane is no longer with us.

What a surprise...Geez.

Paul, Shane and Jane all rolled into one.

He/She should find another hobby.

That's one person with A LOT of problems. What a nutcase...

I think the term "in drag" is likely appropriate

She was truly one-of-kind.
...or two or three-of-a-kind. Never really sure.


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